  • 期刊


Green Energy-Savings in Lighting Facilities in an Intelligent House


近年來「綠色」主義的發展形成一股國際化的趨勢。居家住宅是人類生存的中心,而「人」又是環境永續發展的主體,在生活品質不斷提升的同時,減低居家住宅能源消耗,形成人類與環境之間平衡發展的要素。有鑒於環境衝擊下的影響,對於耗能效應與綠色節能發展的趨勢,將居家照明結合未來住宅概念與智慧型系統控制技術,以降低照明設備在居家住宅的耗能,達到環境永續發展的理想;故對居家照明設備導入智慧型住宅控制系統中,其能否更有效地達到節能的效益,進行初步開發評估,了解發展的可行性。本研究透過相關文獻探討建立研究架構,利用專家深入訪談調查進行相關資料蒐集,將所得的資料加以整理、分析與歸納,以模糊AHP(analytical hierarchy process)法分析綠色節能認知與應用中,對本研究影響的因素爲何;之後再將分析所得的影響因素,導入SWOT(strength, weakness, opportunity, threat)分析法,藉此顯示內部優勢、劣勢以及外在發展的機會、威脅。研究結果發現,節能認知的推廣與探討,形成環境永續發展之重要影響因素,此外,研究也顯示居家住宅節能效益與環境永續性發展具有密不可分的關聯性。而整合性之控制系統管理住宅空調與照明設備可以減低能源消耗問題,同時各項環保節能標章之推動,對整合照明設備之認證及發展具有極大的助益。本研究最後結論得知,藉由綠色節能照明設備套入於智慧型住宅系統上,有助於確立低污染、零耗能的環境發展目標。


In recent years, excessive carbon dioxide emissions have caused many problems, including global warming, acid rain, accelerating deterioration of the environment, a rapid shortage of resources, and extinction of species. Eco-awareness and the concept of green energy-savings have attracted increasing public attention; moreover, the development of ”greenism” is becoming an international trend. Since a house is the most typical residential center for human beings, it is considered the main entity for sustainable environmental development. When the quality of life is continually increasing, decreasing the energy consumption in a household becomes an important issue for human beings and the environment to develop with balance. In this study, under the influence of environmental impact, household lighting is incorporated with the concept of future residence and a ”Control System for an Intelligent House” technology. Decreasing the consumption of energy for lighting and achieving the ideal of sustainable environmental development in response to the effects of such consumption and trends in green energy-savings development are major goals. Therefore, our aim is to discover whether applying such a ”Control System” is practical and feasible. The framework for this research is constructed from the relevant literature review. Data obtained through both expert interviews and a survey is compiled, analyzed, and induced before utilizing a Fuzzy AHP (analytical hierarchy process) to investigate the pertinent factors in the cognition and application of green energy-savings. Then, SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) analysis is used with the aforementioned factors to demonstrate the strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat. Finally, it is concluded that applying and incorporating green lighting energy-savings into an intelligent house system ensure the goals of both low-pollution and zero-consumption.


green energy intelligent house fuzzy AHP SWOT method




