  • 期刊


Study of Tuberculin Monotest after BCG Vaccination



The skin tuberculin monotests (equal to 5 tuberculin units) on 454 healthy infants and children, who had received BCG vaccination within one week after birth, were performed during their visits to the well-baby clinic in the Mackay Memorial Hospital to evaluate the tuberculin reaction after BCG vaccination. The presence of vesicle formation, necrosis or induration exceeding 2mm. In diameter was considered positive respectively. A significant difference between the first year and the other age groups was noted. The monotest be came positive from the second month after BCG vaccination and reached to the maximal reaction during the third and the fifth month and then declined one year later. We suggest that PPD test and chest X-ray examination should be done on any patient whose monotest is strongly positive (more than 8mm. induration) within one year after BCG, or only one ”+”(more than 2mm. in diameter) one year afterwards, in order to rule out the possibilities of natural infection.




The skin tuberculin monotests (equal to 5 tuberculin units) on 454 healthy infants and children, who had received BCG vaccination within one week after birth, were performed during their visits to the well-baby clinic in the Mackay Memorial Hospital to evaluate the tuberculin reaction after BCG vaccination. The presence of vesicle formation, necrosis or induration exceeding 2mm. In diameter was considered positive respectively. A significant difference between the first year and the other age groups was noted. The monotest be came positive from the second month after BCG vaccination and reached to the maximal reaction during the third and the fifth month and then declined one year later. We suggest that PPD test and chest X-ray examination should be done on any patient whose monotest is strongly positive (more than 8mm. induration) within one year after BCG, or only one ”+”(more than 2mm. in diameter) one year afterwards, in order to rule out the possibilities of natural infection.


tuberculin test monotest BCG vaccination
