  • 期刊

Effects of Carbenicillin and Cefotaxime on Callus Growth and Somatic Embryogenesis from Adventitious Roots of Papaya



卡苯尼西林(carbenicillin)和西弗士林(cefotxime)爲兩種最常加入培養基中,用來控制農桿菌生長的抗生素。本研究中,在無菌的狀況下利用由組織培養苗所産生的不定根片段爲材料。根片段經農桿菌共同培養感染後,利用不同濃度之抗生素去探討抗生素的抑菌作用以及對根片段的植物再生之影響。由結果得知,與農桿 共同培養兩天後,事先以無菌水清小船塢增殖體後,有 進抑菌的作用,只在在培養基中含125mgl^(-1)搞生素濃度,即可有效的控制農桿菌之生長。在癒合組織生長方面,在含有較高濃度的carbenicilli培養基(250-500mgl^(-1))中,即可增加癒合組織的鮮重。但在cefotaxime方面,同樣的濃度卻明顯的降低癒合組織的鮮重。在體胚形成方面,在125mgl^(-1)的carbenicillin和250mgl^(-1)的cefotaxime濃度之培養基中,有較高的體胚形成率,但就單一癒合組織形成體胚而言,在含125mgl^(-1)的carbenicillin濃度的培養基中,有較多的體胚數目形成。在體胚的發芽狀況方面,在含較低濃度的carbenicillin培養基(125-250mgl^(-1))中,異常體胚的形成率有明顯下降的現象。在本研究中,有關此兩種抗生素控制農桿菌及影響本瓜不定根再生的有利條件雹加以說明。


抗生素 靜菌作用 體胚


Carbenicillin and cefotaxime, two antibiotics commonly used for excluding Agrobacterium tumefaciens during plant transformation, were tested for their bacteriostatic effects as well as for their effects on plant regeneration in adventitious root explants of papaya following co-culture with Agrobacterium. A washing step with sterilized distilled water two days after co-culture enhanced the bacteria-suppressing effects of antibiotics. Proliferation of Agrobacterium was completely suppressed in the medium containing 125mgl^(-1) carbenicillin or cefotaxime. Callus fresh weight increase was apparently enhanced in the media with higher concentrations of carbenicillin (250-500 mgl^(-1)), but was extremely inhibited in media with the same concentrations of cefotaxime. Higher percentages of somatic embryos were found in the medium with 125 mgl^(-1) carbenicillin or 250 mgl^(-1) cefotaxime; however larger numbers of somatic embryos from the individual callus were obtained in the medium with 125 mgl^(-1) carbenicillin than in the medium with 250 mgl^(-1) cefotaxime. Percentages of abnormal somatic embryos were lower in the medium with lower concentrations of carbenicillin (125-250 mgl^(-1)). Favorable conditions for use of the two antibiotics for suppressing bacteria growth and enhancing regeneration of papaya plantlets from adventitious roots are discussed.
