  • 期刊


Population Parameters of Aphis gossypii (Homoptera: Aphididae) Fed on Melon at Different Temperature


本試驗在4個定溫(15、20、25及30℃)下研究棉蚜(Aphis gossypii Glover)取食甜瓜秋香品種(Cucumis melo L. cv. Autumn Favor)的族群介量。自出生至開始產子(非生殖期)在不同溫度的發育速率呈直線關係。30℃之發育最快也是此蟲期的發育最適溫。發育臨界低溫為2.22℃、有效積溫為143.05 degree-day。內在增殖率(r)與終極增殖率(λ)在20、25及30℃三個溫度之間無顯著差異,分別介於0.350-0.323d^(-1)與1.419-1.381d^(-1)。其中30℃下的淨增殖率(R0)低於20與25℃。故棉蚜的族群增長最適溫應在20-30℃之間。


棉蚜 甜瓜 生命表 族群介量 溫度


The population parameters of Aphis gossypii Glover on Cucumis melo L. cv. Autumn Favor leaf were estimated at four constant temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 30℃). Temperature-dependent of development rate from birth to the onset of reproduction (non-reproductive stage) fitted a linear regression, and with 30℃ as the optimal temperature for development. The lower threshold temperature and thermal summation was 2.22℃ and 143.05 degree days, respectively. No difference existed in the intrinsic (r) and finite (λ) rate of natural increase at 20, 25, 30℃, ranging 0.350-0.323 d^(-1) and 1.419-1.381 d^(-1), respectively. Therefore, the optimal temperature for its population growth should be in 20-30℃. However, the net reproductive rate (R0) and time taken for double mass of a population (DT) at 30℃ were lower than those at both 20 and 25℃.
