  • 期刊


A Pilot Study of Attitudes Toward Nursing Homes Differentiated by Location and Generation



本研究的目的是比較不同居住地的老人與子女團體的參與者對護理之家之態度。經城市及鄉村的社區老人及子女為對象,共20人,分四個團體,以焦點團體討論會的方式收集資料,本研究重要發現如下: 研究中所有的老人均一致表示其肯定的居住意顧,絕大多數之子女輩的參與者亦表示在其將來有需要時,自己顧意去住護理之家,但是基於與論的壓力、新情及老人的感受等因素的考量,因此,不會把生病的老人送去護理之家。 護理之家的名詞對大多數在參與者而言是陌生的,需經研究者在會中不斷的強調與說明,方能完全了解。所有參與者均較喜歡社區小型護理之家,並認為機構內以雙人房較能迎合老人的需求。同時也對政府試辨此類慢性病長期照護機構,持肯定的、正向的態度。 護理之家的照護費用對所有的參與者而言是沈重經濟負提,參與者一致期望政府能將之納入保險給付,實施部分負擔。對護理之家態度的城鄉世代差異不大,只在子女輩對護理之家的品質有較高關切。


This study examines the attitude of the elderly and their family members of different locations toward nursing homes. Subjects include elderlies and their family members of urban and rural settings. There were twenty in all, categorized into 4 groups, and the information was collected by the method of focus group study. It reveals the followings: All elderlies as well as most of the family members expressed their willingness to live in nursing homes should the need arise in the future. However, elderlies were not sent to nursing homes because of social pressure, caring family concern of members, or the sujective feelings of elderly themselves. Most of the subjects in this study were not familiar with the meaning of a nursing home. The interviewer had to explain the term during the course of interview. All of the subjects preferred a small-size nursing home in the community. They also favored living in a twin-bedded room in the nursing home. All subjects showed a positive opinion toward similar chronic care institute currently operated by the government. All subjects felt that the cost of a nursing home is more than they could afford and it is a heavy financial burden for the family with an elderly in nursing home. It is hoped that the government will subsidize the cost as a part of the health insurance payment.


nursing home attitude focus group elderly


