  • 期刊


Improving the Cancer Screening Model: Experience Applying an Integrated Operating System


背景 近年來癌症病患人數逐年上升,國人的死因分析中,惡性腫瘤佔總死亡人數的28.9%。癌症病患從罹病、治療、甚至預後照顧的各個時期,都必須面臨種種的不安與壓力,病患常因治療中的痛苦與不適而中斷治療。個案管理師若能主動追蹤,適時了解病患需求及提供適當資源,可避免因中斷治療造成癌症復發,延誤治療的黃金時期。 解決方案 本專案為加強癌症個案照護之品質及管理效率,藉由資訊管理系統整合模式,建構出「癌症個案篩選系統」,以有效縮短個案管理師篩選新個案所花費之時間並降低癌症個案篩選遺漏比率。 結果 經工作團隊進行決策矩陣分析,提出解決辦法如下:(1)確立院內系統的功能架構;(2)討論癌症個案篩選系統的作業流程及擬定系統規格;(3)癌症個案篩選系統程式之撰寫,建立癌症個案篩選流程資訊管理功能。 結果 專案成效為每日平均個案篩選所需耗費時間由117.14分鐘減少至28.57分鐘,每月平均遺漏比率由34.65%降至8.87%,改善結果均達到專案目的。 結論 本專案推行後,有效的降低醫療照護成本及增加醫療照護的持續性,有鑑於此,希望此方案可提供相關醫療單位管理作業之參考。


Background & problems: Cancer patient numbers have continued to rise in recent years. In terms of deaths fromvarious cancers, malignancies are involved in 28.9% of cases. Over the course of disease contraction, treatment and aftercare, patients face unease and pressure of various forms and degrees. Patients may abort treatment due to treatment pain and discomfort. The case manager may play a positive role by following up at appropriate moments to understand patient needs and deliver proper resources in order to avoid cancer recrudescence, which may delay treatment progress. Purpose: The objective of this study was to improve nursing quality and management performance in cancer patient care. Through the integration of the management information system, A ”Cancer Case Screening System” was built using a management information system to shorten the amount of time spent on scanning new cases and to reduce the rate of scanning error. Resolution: Using a decision matrix, the research team proposed the following solution: (1) Define the system infrastructure currently employed in hospitals; (2) Discuss the Cancer Cases Screening System workflow and determine system specifications; (3) Write the Cancer Cases Screening System program to establish an effective management information system. Results: The time spent on scanning case per day dropped from 117.14 to 28.57 minutes. The error rate was also reduced from 34.65% to 8.87%. These results achieved the objective of the project. Conclusion: Promoting the developed screening system in the broader medical community can help reduce medical treatment costs and increase treatment continuity. This project may be considered and referenced by managers of relevant medical organizations.


李旭東(2017)。從平衡計分卡觀點探討醫療服務品質之改善: 以一所公立醫學中心為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201703383
