  • 期刊


A "Dialogue" between the Aesthetics of Nursing and Philosophy


美學為哲學的分支,護理美學亦為護理專業的特性,哲學美學重視藉由具體或抽象的藝術作品,讓創作者與鑑賞者有心靈相通的契機,完成人我之間美感經驗的溝通與認同。護理美學則把握病人剎那間的意義,與時空、情境的連結及個人之獨特性,因此護理美學揉合倫理、熟稔的護理知識與技術,以體貼的美感性知識洞悉病人真正的需求,進而以合適的護理活動來照護、代言和捍衛病人或受照顧族群的權益。本文由OvidSP與CEPS(Chinese Electronic Periodical Services)思博網資料庫搜尋以美學、哲學美學、護理藝術或護理美學為關鍵字之期刊論文及哲學美學書籍、國內外護理知識建構與護理美學書籍文本,以了解國內外護理學者對護理美學與哲學美學之定義及臨床應用現況。本文目的希冀讓護理人員了解「善」是哲學美學的基本關懷,而「愛」是關懷行為的基礎。護理美學的實踐,即是展現出同理心、欣賞能力、領悟與治療性地運用自身。護理人員藉由美感性知識,培養知覺敏感度和反思性思考,以能將直觀知識轉譯為藝術行動,具體實踐於臨床實務並進而提升護理品質。


Nursing aesthetics belong to the broader school of aesthetics, a branch of philosophy, as well as the nursing arts, an element of professional nursing. The philosophy of aesthetics recognizes the connection between an author and appreciators and identifies both substantive and abstract aesthetic experiences in interpersonal communication through the fine arts. Nursing aesthetics values the meaningful moments of patients, is sensitive to the influences of different circumstances and situations, and appreciates the unique qualities of humanness. Nursing aesthetics is emancipatory knowledge and involves empirical, ethical and personal knowing. The article is based on a search of OvidSP and Chinese Electronic Periodical Services (CEPS) database references using key words including aesthetic, aesthetics, art of nursing, or nursing aesthetics as well as a review of books related to aesthetics, knowledge construction, and nursing aesthetics. Authors determined definitions as defined by nursing experts and the applications thereof in clinical practice. This article aimed to illustrate that the ultimate concern of philosophy is ”goodness” and that the foundation of caring behaviors is ”love”. In practice, nursing aesthetics is expressed through empathy, appreciation, inspiration and the therapeutic use of the self. Through aesthetic knowing and enhanced perceptual sensibility and reflection, nurses can transform intuitive knowing into art-acts and ultimately enhance nursing care quality.


黃薇仰(2015)。醫院美學資本對訪客滿意度之影響- 以組織氣候為干擾變數探討〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-1005201615084722
