  • 期刊


Theoretical Discussion and Practical Application of Technology-Assisted Concept Mapping in Medical and Nursing Education




The importance, complexity, and current problems of nursing education are a consistent subject of concern and research in medical and nursing education. Therefore, the use of efficient and new teaching methods in nursing education is necessary. Concept mapping is a core component of the currently most-prominently applied teaching method. Previous studies have identified concept mapping as a positive teaching method that may be used to help nursing professors train students in critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. This article first explains the theoretical basis of concept maps and concept mapping and explores the effectiveness of traditional concept mapping in medical and nursing education. Secondly, the effectiveness of technology-assisted concept mapping is explored and explained and the application of technology-assisted concept mapping in teacher teaching / student learning is explained in order to help medical and nursing teachers correctly apply technology-assisted concept mapping in their future teaching practice.


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