  • 期刊


A Study of the Self-Assessed Emergency Management Competencies of Emergency Medical Technicians




Background: Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) must be able to assess patient needs for emergency medical services in order to ensure patient safety and optimal prognosis. However, Taiwan currently has no relevant core competency indices or required courses in place for EMTs. The relative inaccessibility of training may seriously compromise the performance of EMTs. Purpose: This study investigated self-assessed emergency management competency and related demographic factors in a sample of EMTs. Methods: This cross-sectional survey used a convenience sample of EMTs working at a fire station in eastern Taiwan. Data were collected using a questionnaire including a new emergency management competency self-assessment scale. A total of 272 of the 295 distributed questionnaires were returned (92.2%). Results: The mean score for emergency management competency was 3.58 points. The highest-scored item was "I know how to use an automated external defibrillator correctly" and the lowest-scored item was "I know how to handle postpartum hemorrhaging (PPT)." The factors that were found to significantly influence self-assessed emergency management competencies included the age, education, EMT qualification, EMT instructor / assistant qualification, and years as an EMT of the respondent and the number of emergency medical tasks handled by their unit per month, average monthly personal workload, and having attended additional emergency medical courses in the previous year. Conclusions: Future training for EMTs should focus on improving competencies related to pediatric emergencies, obstetric emergencies, and other low-scoring items using proper instructional materials, strategies, and learning-outcome-assessment mechanisms. This training may be expected to improve the quality and appropriateness of future emergency medical treatment through greater EMT confidence and competence.


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