

This paper provides information related to the microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis of Reevesia formosana Sprague, a rare tree species endemic in Taiwan. Flower buds were collected at 2-7 days intervals during a period of 25 months in 2001-2003. Sections of the materials were examined using a light microscope. The results indicate that the meristematically active anther primordia of fertile stamens and staminodes are formed by early March. The anthers of fertile stamens are tetrasporangiate that bend at the middle. The anther wall develops rapidly and consists of an epidermis, an endothecium, two middle layers and the tapetum. The anther wall formation pattern belongs to the Basic type. The tapetum is of glandular type. Tapetal cells have two nuclei. Microspore mother cells undergo meiosis through simultaneous cytokinesis in middle March and give rise to tetrads of microspores, which are tetrahedrally arranged. The 2-cell pollen grains become mature in late March. Anthers dehisce longitudinally and pollens shed in early April.
