  • 期刊


Study on the Effect of Venetian-Blins Windbreak in Wind Tunnel


本研究將傳統防風柵之柵板改爲水平橫置且與地表呈一向前傾斜之角度,以葉片導引氣流並改變其行進方向,達到防風之目的。該設計可依氣候條件及需要,可調整其角度,因構造似百葉窗之外型,故稱「百葉防風柵」。本研究以風洞試驗爲基礎,以保護體積指標尋求最佳防風效果,並探討百葉防風柵不同葉片型式與防風效果之關係,再行最佳化分析以求最適當之設計型式。本試驗共分三階段:首先以百葉防風柵、防風網與防風牆比較防風放果,其次以百葉防風柵不同的葉片寬度、傾斜角度及密度作複因子試驗,尋求防風效果最大時之葉片特徵,再以上、下柵復合角度處理之試驗,以期防風能力之提昇。經風洞試驗得結論如下:(1)不透風防風牆之保護體積防風效果值約爲1,200;防風網密閉度80%比防風牆增加8.75%之防風能力;百葉防風柵在葉片:寬度2 cm、傾斜角度60度及葉片密度2 pcs / cm,簡寫爲(2,60,2)之情況下,可增加46.7%之防風能力,有複合角度之處理其防風效果平均比防風牆增加18%。(2)葉片特徵參數與防風效果之關係,如下式:ζ(W,θ,C)= -263.12W-0.56θ^2+77.8443θ-285.311C^2+941.06C-2,311.49,r=0.9244**(W:寬度,θ:傾斜角度,C:密度)(3)當葉片特徽爲(2,69.5,1.6)時,具有防風效果之絶對極大値,若爲(1.6,75.8,1.5)時,則爲條件極大值。(4)復合角度處理之線性關係,如下式:方程式略


This study investigated the effects of Venetian-blinds windbreak in a wind tunnel. Three stage procedures were undertaken in experimental design to find out how to search the most efficient for wind reduction. The first stage is to compare and evaluate the efficiency of Venetian-blinds windbreak with other ones. The second stage is to examine the effect of each of factors such as width, angle and compactness, and to optimize the combinations of the relevant ones through multiple curvilinear regression analysis. In the final stage we analyze blade-angle compounds for any possible improvement. The results are concluded as follows: (1) From the comparisons of three different windbreak configurations, the effectiveness of Venetian-blinds at width=2 cm, angle=60° and Compactness= 2 is found to improves 46.7% efficiency in wind reduction. The average effect of blade-angle compounds is found to improve 18% than wall. (2) The function forms the relationship between the effect of wind reduction and configuration characteristics as: The equation is abbreviated (3) The absolute and conditional maximum are found with the bland characteristics of (2, 69.5, 1.6) and of (1.6, 75.8, 1.5) respectively. (4) The construction of the angular compound model, may be expressed as The equation is abbreviated


Venetian-Blinds Windbreak Windbreak
