  • 期刊


The Basic Environment Impacts and Indicators of Slope Land Development




坡地開發 環境影響 指標


Land development involves changes of natural environment. Any such a change means changes of vegetation or/and land form; As the vegetation and land form are regarded as the two key factors in slope land environment, the degree or extent of these changes in the land development project can thus be the effective indicators of the environmental impacts of the land development As the required grading and green cover of a sites usually varies in a range being determined by the specific purpose of the land development, such as golf courses, school ,communities or industrial park .Therefore, the changes can be estimated semi quantitatively from the original vegetation cover and the land form of the land to be developed, to predict the possible intensity and scale of the impacts. In the meanwhile, It can be estimated the changes of landform in quantity for any different type of land use.
