  • 期刊


Application of Low Cost Strobo-Photography on Investigation of Droplet Impact on Leaf Surface


雨滴撞擊植物葉片表面現象所衍生之效果對於地表土壤沖蝕,特定種類昆蟲族群消長及植物病害傳播皆有明顯之影響。本試驗報告之目的是探討應用低成本定時閃光攝影法來拍攝水滴撞擊葉片表面現象之可行性及技術,並藉由所拍攝之相片對水滴撞擊葉片表面之現象做一初步的分析及探討。由觀察拍攝之相片發現,水滴撞擊葉片表面之後,其中大部分質量都飛濺分散轉換成較小水滴散落於葉片之外,所以飛濺量必需從目前估算林下降雨動能之滴落量中分離出來,否則必定會有高估之現象。此外,水滴撞擊茄子葉片所產生之震動可能是降雨各因子中影響南黃薊馬(Thrips palmi Karny)族群密度之最主要因子。本研究之成果已能充分闡述水滴撞擊葉片表面之過程及其對地表土壤沖蝕與植物病蟲害傳播影響之定性關係,並對水滴撞擊葉片表面之過程有比較詳細且清晰之了解與定位,以爲未來將水滴撞擊葉片現象量化之基礎。


The effect of droplet impact on leaf surface was significantly related to soil erosion and spreading of plant disease. This research investigated the the facility and feasibility of applying low-cost stroboscope photography to examine the effect of droplet impact on leaf surfaces. Also, the phenomenon of droplet impact on leaf surface was described and analyzed by observing the sequential pictures taken. During droplet impact, most of the droplet mass was splashing into the air and transforming into smaller droplets then falling outside the leaf surface. In calculating the kinetic energy of the droplet falling under the canopy, the mass of droplet dripping from the leaf surface was taken into consideration including the splash that resulted in an overestimation of the droplet kinetic energy under canopy. Also, the vibration due to droplet impact on egg plant leaf was considered to be a major factor affecting the population density of plant thrips. This study enhances the understanding of the qualitative properties of the relation between droplet impact on leaf surface and soil erosion or plant disease spreading which will be useful in quantitative analysis about droplet impact on leaf surface.
