  • 期刊


An Empirical Case Study for the Phone Deceptions-Constructing a Cognitive Interactive Model under the Circumstance of Low-Detected Cue


有鑑於近年來電話詐騙情形隨著手機持用人數成長而逐年增加,受害民眾也快速擴散至各階層,因此探討如何有效嚇阻該日趨嚴重現象已成為一個非常重要且急迫的課題。然而根據相關文獻,我們發現過去學者對詐騙問題的探討多偏重於「面對面」環境下的欺騙認知之研究,近年來雖有部份學者針對綱路交易等「非面對面」詐騙行為進行研究,但研究領域著重於綱路詐騙的探討。電話詐騙與綱路詐騙之屬性不盡相同,電話詐騙偏重於同步並且必需立即回應之屬性。因此本文欲從認知科學的觀點,探討「非面對面」及「低欺騙偵知線索」環境下的電話詐騙行為,並嘗試建構一個包括詐騙者與偵知者(亦即詐騙受害者)的認知互動模式,以提供電話詐騙預防的參考。本研究的概念架構主要包括「欺騙者資訊輸出」及「偵知者認知擷取及判斷」兩大構面,並將詐騙過程分為「引誘接觸」、「設計說服」、「行動指示」、「獲利隱匿」等四階段進行探討。 為達成上述的研究目的,本研究透過刑事警察局的協助,以「中獎詐騙」、「信用卡詐騙」、「恐嚇詐騙」三種最具代表性的電話詐騙類型之受害者樣本進行實證案例分析。結果顯示該三種類型詐騙案的認知互動訊息之類別次數並無顯著差異(p值>0.05),但在詐騙四階段之間的互動訊息之類別次數卻呈現顯著的差異(p值<0.05)。該研究結果表示在不同的詐騙類型中,詐騙者的訊息操作手法以及偵知者的認知判斷行為有其共通性;但在不同的詐騙階段,詐騙者的訊息操作手法以及偵知者的認知判斷行為卻有其差異性。其次,以詐騙預防的觀點對各階段認知互動訊息進行內容分析,發現以「第三階段-行動指示」產生的互動訊息最多,影響也最為關鍵。最後,本研究根據資料分析結果,提出了個電話詐騙認知互動模式。上述各項分析結果所代表之意義,在本文中有進一步的探討。


The objective of this research is to investigate the phone deceptions from the of cognitive science. Phone deceptiol cases are increasing as the mobile communication becomes pervasive in the past decade. Although many deception preventive methods are proposed by the national police agency, the deception cases are still growing fast. It is strange that even higher education people cannot avoid being deceived. It becomes an urgent and challenging issue for government to cope with this phenomenon. Moreover, according to the past literature, it is found that most of the relevant literature merely focused on the studies of face-to-face deception. Although some studies did examine the non face-to-face computer internet deceptions, no study has been found to focus on the phone deceptions. Specifically, the phone deception is characterized by the non face-to-face and the low-detected cue circumstance. In order to fulfill the research goals stated above. An empirical case study methodology is adopted. The present authors proposed a dual-dimensional research conceptual framework. The first dimension includes the investigations of cognitive interaction from both sides of a deception. Both sides of a deception include 'deceiver' and 'detector', And the deceptive procedure, which indicates the second dimension, is divided into four phases. They are 'initial contact', 'deception design', 'deception action', and 'deception closing setup'. In terms of the proposed research frameworks, three types of the most popular phone deceptions are chosen as the empirical cases. They are 'winning a lottery deception', 'credit card deception' and 'kidnapping deception'. Based on the interview data collected from 18 deception cases, this study came up the following conclusions; secondly, there are significant differences among the four-phase deceptive procedure; thirdly. The third phase is the most crucial phase for the deception being happened. In particular, with respect to the results derived from content analyses, a cognitive interactive model for the phone deception is finally proposed. The research findings and their implications are further discussed in the following.




