  • 期刊

Effects of Fluoride on Dental Pulp of Young Rabbits



氟化物當為抗齲齒劑,已行之多年,氟化物對牙齒硬組織影響的實驗,也有很多研究報告,但是關於氟化物對於牙髓的影響如何,卻很少了解,為了要建立更完整的氟化物使用在生物學上基本認識,本實驗擬由組織病理學上來觀察氟化物全身性投予,對於小白兔牙髓的影響。本研究方法是以 24 隻紐西蘭小白兔,年齡 7 天作實驗,其中實驗組 20 隻,每天 2 次定時在小白兔腹膜下注射氟化鈉( NaF )溶液,劑量為 7mg F / kg body mass ,控制組 4 隻則注射同等量的生理食塭水,當在第 13 天時,將全部動物犧牲,再將牙齒與下顎一起切取,置於 10 %中性福馬林液中固定 2 天,接著以 Plank - Rychio 脫鈣液脫鈣一星期後,以石腦包埋並做成 7μm 厚的切片,經 H-E 染色,再以光學顯微鏡觀察,並比較病理組織學上的變化,所得結果如下: (1)實驗組中可見齒髓內排列不整,形態改變的造牙本質細胞( odontoblasts ) ,血管擴張充血。 (2)在 7mg F / kg 之劑量下,牙髓組織受干擾,在高倍鏡下可見造牙本質細胞變長、腫脹,細胞核亦失去固有樣像。 (3)雖然先前的報告 7mg F / kg 之劑量會抑制乳牙牙根吸收,以及造成大白鼠造釉細胞分泌異常,但對於牙髓細胞亦會造成傷害。




Fluoride has been adopting as an anticariogenic agent for many years. Many histologic experiments with the effect of fluoride were made on dental hard tissue, but little is known about its effect on dental pulp. We made histopathological tests on dental pulp of rabbits during administration of fluoride. In this study, 24 young New Zealand rabbits aged 7 days were used. The experimental group (N = 20) was given two intraperitoneal injections of sodium fluoride that contained approximately 7 mg F/kg body mass. The control group (N = 4) was injected with an equivalent volume of normal saline. At the thirteenth day after the final injection, the mandibles were collected and processed according to routine histologic methods. Selected sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin stain. The mandibular incisor pulp was microscopically examined. The following results were obtained. In the experimental group, histopathologic alterations were observed in the pulp, with loss of palisading of the odontoblastic layer. Slightly elongated swollen odontoblasts were found which showed hydropic alterations. ilatation and hyperemia of blood vessels were also noted. This dose affected deciduous root resorption>13 and changes in secretory ameloblasts>3’4>; and also appeared to disturb the dental pulp. The present observations of initial reactions in the pulp following intraperitoneal injection of fluoride are considered suitable as a basis for detailed discussion of histopathologic implications.


fluoride dental pulp rabbit
