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Larval distribution in Different Organs of ICR Strain Mice Infected With Toxocara Canis


每隻 ICR 鼴鼠經冑管口服感染 260 個犬蛔蟲感染型蟲卯,共計感染 80 隻 ICR 鼴鼠。於感染後第一週至一第八週,每週以乙瞇麻醉10隻鼴鼠、去皮,取肝、心、脾、肺、腎、腦和屍身肌肉,經人工消化液處理後,以貝氏幼蟲孵育器回收幼蟲,比較分析朴相同感染週數或不同感染週數,在不同器官或相同器官幼蟲分布之差異性。結果顯示總幼蟲回收率,在感染後四週內有與時俱增之趨勢,由第一週之11.7 %增至第四週之19.7%,而後緩緩下降,至第八週降至 13.4 %。而犬蛔蟲幼蟲在各器官之分布亦因時而異,在實驗期問未曾在心臟回收幼蟲,脾臟亦大多未發現幼蟲,但感染後第四及五週曾由脾臟回收少量幼蟲。整體而言,犬蛔蟲幼蟲主要分佈朴受感染之 ICR 鼴鼠之肝臟、腦及屍身肌肉,在感染後之前兩週均以肝臟之幼蟲回收率最高(分別為4.5%及3.6% ) ,第四週又呈一高峰(5.6%)而後逐漸下降。腦部之幼蟲回收率在感染後第二週有一小峰(3.2% ) ,第四週大幅升至6.8%,爾後持高直至實驗結束。屍身肌肉中之幼蟲分布亦與時俱增,感染後之前兩週幼蟲回收率均不超過 2 % ,第三週起至實驗結束,除第七週有一高峰(6.9%)外,餘皆在3.6%~4.8%問起伏。至朴肺部幼蟲回收率除第三週有一高峰(4.8%)外,其餘各週在1.0~2.4%間起伏,而腎臟之幼蟲回收率偏低,八週均徘徊在0.7~2.4%問。本研究結果顯示 ICR 秣鼴鼠適合作為研究保幼宿主犬蛔蟲症之動物模式。


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In this study 80 ICR mice were infected per os with 260 embryonated Toxocara canis eggs each through a stomach tube. Ten mice were sacrificed at weekly intervals over an eight- week period. Internal organs including livers, lungs, hearts, spleens, kidneys, brains, and carcasses were pooled separately and T.canis larvae from each category treated with artificial digestive fluid were recovered and later collected by the Baermann technique. jarval distributions at a given week in different organs or in a given organ at different weeks were compared and analyzed. Results revealed that total larval recovery increased from week one (11.6%) to four(19.7%); thereafter it decreased gradually and dropped to 13.4% by week eight. Larval distribution in different organs varied with time. No larvae were recovered from the heart or spleen during the study period, except for a small number recovered from the spleen in the 4th and 5th weeks after infection. In general, the larvae were recovered mainly from the brain, carcass and liver. Larval recovery from the liver was high in the first two weeks(4.5% and 3.6%, respectively)and in week 4(5.6%). Recovery from the brain increased drastically in week 4(6.8%) and remained high. Recovery from the carcass increased with time. In the case of the lungs, a sharp peak was observed in week 3(4.8%),but recovery from the kidneys was low (0.7-1.6%). Our results indicated that the ICR strain mouse is also a suitable animal model for the study of toxocariasis in paratenic hosts.

Cited by

Kwung, F. C. (2004). 長期保存的犬蛔蟲受孕卵於鼷鼠之感染及台灣山地原住民成人犬蛔蟲感染之研究 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2004.00931