  • 期刊


Effectiveness of Lmproving Lake Water Quality through Artificial Floating Lsland System


在台灣地區,家庭污水一直是污染河川、湖泊及水庫的重要來源,由於家庭污水含有大量的氣、磷、鉀、硫、鐵等元素及清潔劑,提供藻類大量營養源,使水體快速優養化,花蓮縣鯉魚潭便爲其中之一。鯉魚潭屬閉鎖性水域,因發展觀光進而帶來遊客污染,加上鄰近商家住家生活污水顯溝渠排入潭內,造成潭內各項污染物濃度漸升高,尤以氮、磷等營養監增加,致鄰近沿岸區已有紅藻産生及優養化情形,因此,花蓮縣環保局規劃設置生態工程處理型態之人工生態濕地及人工浮島,藉由自然淨化水質方法,削減排入鯉魚潭難排水之污染量。 本研究人工浮島以處理家庭污水爲主要功能,浮島系統與潭水隔離,分二期工程,每期每日約導入40噸污水進入浮島凈化後排放,二期浮島面積爲100平方分尺及150平方分尺,污水進入後水力停留時間48 hr及72 hr,浮島上植栽美人蕉、天使花、香茅草、紫嬌花、魚腥草與光葉水菊等共七種,植生物種約在8週內發育健全。處理效率有氨氮及總磷平均削減率相當高的特色,分別可達氨氮削減率56.49%以上,總磷削減率51.58%以上。研究期間浮島已吸引魚蝦、鳥類、蜻蜓等動物及昆蟲群聚,自成一生態系,由於植生茂盛吸引遊客駐足,衍成鯉魚潭另一觀光遊憩景點,另兼具污水處理、生態棲地及景觀美化功能。


In Taiwan, domestic wastewater has always been the major source of river, lake and reservoir pollutions. Full of a large quantity of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, and synthetic detergent from the domestic wastewater results that excessive algal growth and the thus speeds up the eutrophication of the receiving water bodies. Li-Yu Lake in Hua-Lien County is one of such polluted water bodies. Li-Yu Lake is a closed water body. The lake is a popular resort and its pollutions are simply brought over by boom tourism. Along with a large wastewater from nearby shops and local habitants, the concentration of various pollutants, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, goes upsoaring in the lake. A serious eutrophication arises and red algae grow along the lake shore, Hence, the local Environmental Protection Bureau planned the construction of ecological wetland and artificial floating island in an attempt to reduce the lake planned the construction of ecological wetland and artificial floating island in an attempt to reduce the lake pollution and purify its water quality in an environmental-friendly way. The artificial floating island, which is designed to treat domestic wastewater, is physically separated from the lake water. The artificial floating island in Li-Yu Lake was completed in two phases. Seven major seedlings arc planted on the island, such as Canna tropical red, Angelonia goyanzensis Benth, Cymopogon citrates, Ruellia brittoniana, Tulbaghia violaceo, Houlluynia cordata Thunb and Gymmocoronis sp. Which will be fully developed in eight weeks. The two islands are 100m^2 and 150m^2 in area with 48-hour and 72-hour hydraulic detention time in the first phase and the sccond phase, respectively. To receive and treat 40 CMD wastewater, ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus are effectively removed in two phases. The percent reduction of ammonia nitrogen was above 56.49%, and total phosphorus above 51.58% respectively, The artificial floating island attracts fish and shrimp, bird, dragonfly and insect, thus forming a unique ecological system. The prolific growth of various plants also draws the attention of many lake visitors. It is effective in beautifying Li-Yu Lake in addition to tackling the wastewater problems.
