  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of a Patient with Kennedy's Disease in an Intensive Care Unit


本文係探討一位甘迺迪氏症(Kennedy's disease)病人在加護病房期間成功脫離呼吸器,並學習自我照顧技巧之護理經驗。護理期間2005年7月15日至2005年7月22日,藉由身體評估、觀察、會談和實際照護等技巧收集資料,以歐倫護理理論為架構,發現個案健康問題有:呼吸道清除功能失效、營養少於身體需要、自我照顧能力缺失及無力感等,針對這些問題提供完全代償性護理、部分代償性護理及支持與教育性護理,使其成功脫離呼吸器、獲得充份的營養、提升自我照顧能力、預防合併症的產生與增強對肢體的控制,進而有效的緩解無力感。茲將此照護經驗與同仁分享,期望作為日後照顧此類病人之參考。


This article discusses the nursing experience of a patient with Kennedy's Disease who succeeded in weaning ventilator and gained self-care skills in an intensive care unit. During the caring period, from July 15 to July 22, 2005, the author followed on parameters provided by Orem’s Theory. The data was collected through physical assessment, observation, interview and clinical care. The patient was identified as suffering from ineffective airway clearance, nutrition less than body requirements, self-care deficit and powerlessness. According to those problems offered fully compensatory nursing, partly compensatory nursing and supportive educative nursing, improving this patient succeed weaning ventilator, obtaining enough nutrition, increase self-care ability, preventing complication of disease, enhance limbs control, and alleviating powerlessness. This experience with nursing colleagues may provide a reference for caring such patients in the future.


Kennedy's disease Orem's Theory
