  • 期刊


Review of National Parks' Function and Organization-Along with Discussion of Taiwan's Natural Resources Preservation Organization




After establishing the first National Park, the Kenting National Park, on September 1982, our government had established seven National Parks. However, the establishment of National Parks is only a beginning of environmental preservation, and the management efficiency of National Parks is a key factor to determine if sustainable development could be achieved. The natural resources management system of our government could be discussed in three aspects: 1) The divergence of planning, regulation. development, and review of related laws obstructs the integration and implementation of natural resources; 2) The large number of supervisory agencies complicate the process of operational management; 3) Most of lands of natural resources are owned by both governments and private sectors and often overlaid with the lands reserved for indigenous people and the lands of indigenous people's traditional inhabitation, so it is an important issue to coordinate and integrate the use of the lands. The main purpose of this paper is to discuss what role national park lands should play in terms of national lands planning and use, as well as, how to establish the management mechanism to make national parks a symbol of natural resources preservation in Taiwan. We first review the distribution of national parks and the function and organization of national park administration. Then discuss our natural resources management system Also we analyze national park administration system of the US, the UK, Japan, and Canada Finally draft advice on Taiwan natural resources organization and function adjustment.


