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Flamboyantly Yao: Shanzhai Gender/Sexual Modularization among Contemporary Chinese Yaos




性/別模組化 山寨 賣淫 中介


Since the 2000s, there has been rapid post-industrialization in Mainland China, leading to numerous rural migrants and disadvantaged people gathering in the depressed areas of metropolitan cities. Among them are an increasing number of "yaos," that is, people who make a living by male-to-female cross-dressing prostitution. Meanwhile, the emergence of the yao community is met with Chinese local LGBT activism's desire to align with the West-centered global LBGT movement. This is done through the mediation of gender/sexual identity politics in its attempt to forge a local homonormativity characterized by Chinese familism. In face of the ascending global respectability of Chinese LGBT activism, local yaos have persisted in their vulgarity, lewdness, and backwardness at the bottom of the heap. Employing an ethnographic research approach which combines in-depth interviews and participant observations, this essay theorizes this everyday tactic of contemporary Chinese yaos as "shanzhai gender/sexual modularization," exploring how these abjected subjects negotiate their prostitution practices and trouble the gentrified local LGBT activism.


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