  • 期刊


Legends and Mysteries: The Historical Reconstruction in Gan Yao-ming's The Pangcah Girl




Gan Yao-ming's historical novel The Pangcah Girl reconstructs 1970s Taiwan by using legends and mysteries alternately to present the stories of Gu Axia and Pacilo as well as the people they run into. The novel is mainly concerned with the environmental and aboriginal issues and the relations between Taiwan and US, between Taiwan and Japan, and even the triangular Taiwan-US-Japan relations. This article seeks to answer the following questions: What is the significance of using legends and mysteries? How does the novel present catastrophic deforestation alongside its environmental vision? How does it portray the crisis confronted by the aboriginals? What are the gender and national implications of the mysteries of the mixed raced protagonists and their parents' transnational romantic relations? How does the novel present the White Terror and the social milieu of 1970s Taiwan? How does it present Taiwan in relation to Japan and the United States in the Cold War? The article is divided into four sections. Section One deals with the legends and mysteries as well as the postcolonial translation which demystication entails. Section Two discusses the mystery of the Cursed Wood and the environmental vision. Section Three delves into the mysteries of the protagonist' lives in relation to their parents' transnational romance, dealing particularly with Gu Axia's trauma. Section Four is the conclusion.


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