  • 期刊


Preliminary Report on the Varietal Collection and Breeding for Grape (Vitis spp.) in Taiwan


1.爲發展葡萄釀酒事業,臺灣省菸酒公賣局將臺灣大學等單位自國內外前後引進之供釀酒、鮮果與砧木等服務體系的葡萄品種105個,保存栽培於臺中草湖菸葉試驗所內;作爲調查、觀察及選種、育種的材料。 2.利用引種觀察中的優良品種爲親本,舉行雜交育種,在64-66年所培育的1,037棵實生株中,初選出結果習性較爲優良或具有特殊性狀者30株;其中A301,A303,B1121,B1125,B2201,C0406等六株之果實産量與品質爲較佳,實用性與栽培價值在進一步考查中。其次對無子葡萄,果汁染色性及果實含糖率的遺傳與選育,作爲初步的研討。本項葡萄育種工作,尚在繼續進行中。




For the improvement of grape wine production, a total of 105 varieties were collected from local and abroad by the Tobacco Research Institute, the Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau, Tsao-Hu, Taichung, Taiwan. These varieties have been trialed in vineyard at the same Institute. Breeding programs have been carried out by using the superior germplasm in the collections as the parental varieties. During the 1975-1977, 1037 hybridized seedlings were obtained and 30 plants were selected based on fruit setting and other characters. Among the selected seedlings, A301, A303, B1121, B1125, B2201, and C0405 showed higher yielding and better quality, In addition, the inheritance and selection for seedless; juice color and sugar content were also observed. This breeding program is a long-term project and further observations are needed.




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