  • 期刊


A Study on the Participation Willingness of Community Residents' Landscape Maintenance-A Case Study of Neighborhood Park in Taichung City


鄰里公園是社區民衆日常生活最方便到達的休閒場所,它不僅改善都市環境品質,提供日常遊憩活動場所,亦增加市民社交之機會,使社區意識自然而然地凝聚。然而政府在公園開闢後,常因管理單位消極的經營管理及民眾缺乏公德心的使用,使得公園環境髒亂、設施遭破壞,或轉而成爲犯罪的溫床,不只政府所花費的維護經費形同浪費,也造成使用率的降低。故本研究基於結合社區民衆參與公園的規劃、設計及管理可有效凝聚居民社區意識,並改變公園使用觀念之由,希望藉由此實證研究機會瞭解社區民衆參與公園景觀維護工作的意願,尋找改善鄰里公園環境的有效管理途徑。 本研究於台中市各公共場所進行結構式問卷調查,就619份有效問卷統計分析得研究結果: 1.在公園景觀維護工作參與意願中,受訪者的平均意願並不高。其中超過半數的受訪者不願意支付門票及協助公園施工及監工工作,而受訪者較沒有願意參與公園設置的公聽會、公園規劃設計的討論、協助樹木修剪及澆水、協助公園監督工作參與巡邏工作及與社區居民共同組成維護小組等工作。 2.景觀維護意願變項就主成份分析具有「積極參與型意願」及「間接協助型意願」。公園景觀維護參與意願與社區民眾之個人特質及公園使用行爲問之檢定分析顯示,有部份變項會影響參與公園景觀維護的意願。因此透過教育宣導及相關團體的組織有助於居民參與意願的提昇。 3.對公園各項滿意度表示非常不滿意及非常滿意之民衆對公園景觀維護參與意願會較高,反而對公園滿意度反應較普通之民眾之參與意願則較低,顯示其對公園的關心程度較低,較無所謂。


The neighborhood park is the most convenient recreation area for the public to enjoy. Not only does it improve the environmental quality, but it also provides a place of recreation, makes the public more socialiable. and develops the sense of the community. However the environmental quality and equipment of parks are continually being destroyed, the frequency of use is decreasing and the funds are being wasted by poor government management of the government, and a luck of public virtue. They become a lost phone. This research is bused on the of the public participation as a toot to improve the sense of the community and change the way people treat the park. The main idea of the purpose is to know the aspiration of the public for the park maintenance, and the efficient method to improve the neighborhood pack. The questionnaire survey obtained a 619 valid sample, the data analysis showed: the willingness to maintain the park is not high enough. Over half of the interviewers were not willing to pay the fee, to construct the park, and to supervise. Over 1/3 of the interviewers did not want to join the report review, the discussion of the planning or design process, to assist with maintenance such at water, the tree and the grass, to supervise, to patrol, or to join a maintenance group. In general, the public is not satisfied with the existing condition of the parks. Over 1/3 of interviewers dissatisfied with the environmental, construction quality, and the maintenance of the parks. The experiment confirmed the hypothesis that satisfaction differs according to socioeconomic background, attitude toward leisure, and the frequency of park usage.


