  • 期刊


An Empirical Study on Maritime Graduated Students' Job Search Behaviors




This study applies the job search theory to analyze the determination of maritime graduated students’ job search behaviors. We surveyed students graduated from eight maritime institutions. Nested-logit model are used to estimate our survey data. The empirical results of on-the-job search imply that these students tend to not search when employed. While, job search outcomes for the employed and unemployed joint model imply that students who take longer duration to find job, and who have been more job switch are tend to search when employed. In addition, students who are male and from fishery family, public servant or fisheries related position preferred, and who expecting career match and higher payment are tend to adopt the strategy of unemployed search. Based on the above observations, we suggest current fishery labor conditions and policies should be improved to provide solid reference. This can help the government and related industries in recruiting maritime graduated students.
