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Non-dietary exposure risk assessment of mancozeb on farmers


鋅錳乃浦是屬於保護性的殺菌劑農藥,連續暴露會引起皮膚過敏,本研究共評估16位背負式手動、背負式馬達、牽管式馬達及噴藥車農民噴灑80%鋅錳乃浦(mancozeb)可濕性粉劑,在不同作物噴灑時,分別測試皮膚及呼吸之暴露量。 以α-cellulose質材貼布分別在供試者貼上全身10處位置,收集皮膚之暴露量,以攜帶型空氣採樣器模擬呼吸暴露量。16位農民噴灑80%鋅錳乃浦可濕性粉劑農藥之暴露量結果為:每小時平均呼吸含量為14.56μg。皮膚每小時實際平均暴露量為2.22mg。由推薦之稀釋倍數,以農民每天工作六小時之實際暴露量推估其慢性暴露之安全界限值(margin of safety, MOS),5位農民其MOS值小於1,表示不安全。急性暴露之每小時毒性物質百分比(percentage of toxic dose per hour, PTDPH)值範圍皆小於1%,尚屬安全。由PTDPH值來看,以噴藥車>牽管式馬達>背負式馬達>背負式手動噴藥,但急性暴露之毒性估計均小於1%尚屬安全;慢性暴露評估以噴灑蕃茄園之牽管式馬達及背負式手動噴藥較不安全,值得注意。葡萄園以噴藥車噴灑時有27.3%不安全,值得注意。


Mancozeb is a fungicidal pesticide with protective action, and it may cause skin irritation in humans with repeated exposure. In this study, we evaluated 16 farmers with 4 different kinds of equipment, including a backpack with a motor pump, a backpack with a hand-compressed air pump, and tractor-mounted and vehicle-mounted applicators of 80% mancozeb WP. Workers who were mixer-loaders and applicators of mancozeb in grape, tomato, sugar cane, cucumber, and cabbage fields were monitored for dermal and inhalation exposure. Cellulose pads were placed on the outside of the regular work clothes, and air samples were collected by pumping ambient air through a portable sampling tube during application periods. Dermal exposures of mancozeb residues on 10 different body regions from the face to the feet were measured. The median air concentration of mancozeb was 14.56 μg/h, and the actual median total body skin deposition of mancozeb was 2.22 mg/h. These results showed that grape field farmers applying 80% mancozeb WP with 6 h of work exposure reached 31.3% of the margin of safety (MOS) values with is lower than that at which one should be concerned about hazards. Percentages of the toxic dose per hour (PTDPHs) of mancozeb of less than 1% should be safe. PTDPHs including both dermal and inhalation exposure were used to evaluate the acute risk assessment of the 4 kinds of application equipment. The PTDPHs were in the order of vehicle-mounted > tractor-mounted > backpack with a motor pump > backpack with a hand-compressed air pump, for application of 80% mancozeb WP. The results showed that PTDPHs lower than 1% should be safe. Margin of safety (MOS) values were evaluated for chronic risk assessment with 6 h of applied exposure. In the tomato field using the tractor-mounted applicator and the backpack with a hand-compressed air pump to apply mancozeb, MOS values lower than 1 should be a source of concern. The 27.3% of grape field farmers who had MOS values of less than 1 should be concerned about the hazard of applying 80% mancozeb WP with the vehicle-mounted applicator.


pesticide exposure risk assessment mancozeb farmer sprayer


