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Formation of Photon-Number Eigenstates in a Micromaser


For an arbitrary initial photon probability distribution in a micromaser cavity, it is shown that photon-number eigenstates can be induced by passing excited atoms, one at a time, through the cavity. The photon number can be predicted for a given velocity of excited atoms. It is found that the total photon energy inside a lossless cavity becomes saturated once a photon number state is achieved. It is also possible to find more than one number states, each occurs with a certain probability under particular initial conditions. If the injected atoms have a small velocity distribution Av around v, then only a near-number state with the predicted photon number is possible. For Av/v - 0.1, the photon probability in the cavity can still maintain subpoisson distribution until sufficiently large number of excited atoms have passed. Other novel phenomena are also found in two-photon processes.




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