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膽酸鹽(Sodium cholate和Sodium chenodeoxycholate)對大鼠之毒性

Toxicity of Bile Salts (Sodium Cholate and Sodium Chenodeoxycholate) In Rats


我國民間有人相信吞食動物膽汁具明目等療效,加上臺灣民衆有長期吞食動物膽汁的習慣,由於膽酸鹽爲膽汁中的重要成份,爲知長期攝取膽汁所引起之累積毒性,是否係膽酸鹽所致。乃以口胃管方式,每三天分別餵食老鼠Sodium cholate (100mg/0.6mL saline)和Sodium chenodeoxycholate (100mg/0.6mL saline)一次,為期28天。結果發現,Sodium cholate和Sodium chenodeoxycholate最先會引起血漿中AST(Aspartate transaminase)和ALT (Alanine transaminase)酵素活性值上升,且隨餵食時間增長,Sodium cholate和Sodium chenodeoxycholate會誘發老鼠BUN(Blood urea nitrogen)和Creatinine數值上升。顯示長期攝取膽酸鹽會引起肝臟和腎臟之累積毒性,其中以肝功能異常最先出現,接下來才是腎衰竭,這些膽酸鹽之毒作用症狀均與長期攝取動物膽汁所引起之毒性者相似。


To evaluate the toxicity of bile salts, male Long-Evans rats were used and treated orally every 3-days with saline (0.6mL, Control), sodium cholate and sodium chenodeoxycholate (100mg/0.6mL saline for each bile salt) for 28 days. It was found that the activities of aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) in the plasma of rats treated with sodium cholate and sodium chenodeoxycholate were significantly increased from the first day, especially in the sodium chenodeoxycholate-treated rats. The levels of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine in the plasma of rats fed with sodium cholate and sodium chenodeoxycholate were also higher than that of control group in the following days. This indicated that the pathogenic symptoms of bile salts on rats appeared first in the liver, and then kidney. Renal failure could be induced by an accumulative toxicity of bile salts.
