  • 期刊

德性知識論與懷疑論:Linda Zagzebski《論知識論》

Virtue Epistemology and Skepticism: "On Epistemology" by Linda Zagzebski


除了當代德性知識論創始人Ernest Sosa之外,Linda Zagzebski是二十世紀80年代以來,德性知識論發展過程中最具代表性的哲學家之一。本文將從論述Zagzebski的新著《論知識論》開始,特別針對「知識的價值(與本質)」和「懷疑論」這兩個議題,提出本文作者的理解與討論,一方面努力展現Zagzebski在這本書所標示出的重要宣稱與獨特見解,另一方面也藉由對比Sosa德性知識論的主張與想法,企圖為當代知識論的重要議題(特別是懷疑論)提供一個比較合理可能的解決途徑。


Linda Zagzebski is one of the two main figures in the contemporary development of Virtue Epistemology, the other is Ernest Sosa. This critical review begins by offering some brief descriptions of Zagzebski's recent book ”On Epistemology”, and moves forward to discussions on two important issues regarding ”the value (and nature) problem” and ”the skeptical problem” in epistemology. By comparing and contrasting with Sosa's ideas of ”what knowledge is” and ”the transcendental argument (against skepticism)”, I will point out what Zagzebski's contributions really are and also provide a rational consideration in which the skeptical problem can be better dealt with.


Greco, J.(Ed.)(2004).Ernest Sosa and His Critics.Blackwell Press.
Landesman, C.(Ed.),Meeks, R.(Ed.)(2003).Philosophical Skepticism.Blackwell Press.
McComiskey, B.(2002).Gorgias and the New Sophistic Rhetoric.Carbondale:Southern Illinois.
Popkin, R. H.(Ed.),Maia Neto, J. R.(Ed.)(2007).Skepticism: An Anthology.Prometheus Books Press.
