  • 期刊


Provisional Prosthodontic Reconstruction for a Patient with Central Giant Cell Granuloma after Partial Mandibulectomy-Case Report


中心巨細胞肉芽腫主要發生於兒童或青少年,女性多於男性,常發生於下顎。本篇報告一位十五歲的少女,三年前因右側下顎區逐漸隆起的腫塊到他院求診,電腦掃瞄診斷為疑似造釉細胞瘤,接受局部下顎骨切除術後,以重建板(reconstruction plate)及腓骨骨皮瓣(fibular osteocutaneous flap)重建,病理報告診斷為下顎骨中心巨細胞肉芽腫。手術三年後,來本院尋求贋復重建,發現病患上顎右側齒列因長期喪失對側咬合,已明顯向下突出。我們為病人製作下顎局部活動假牙合併永久義齒基底軟墊(MOLLD-PLAST-B, DETA, Germany),恢復咀嚼及咬合功能,並阻止上顎齒列繼續往下突出。此為暫時性的治療,待病患成年後,再施予永久性質地復重建。


Central giant cell granulomas commonly occur in children and young adults with a slight predilection for females. The mandible has been identified a more-common location for its development .This case was a 15-year-old girl. Three years previous, when she is 12 years old, she went to Chang Gung Memorial Hospital for help with a gradually enlarging mass over her right-side mandible. The preoperative diagnosis from a computer scan was an ameloblastoma. The patient underwent partial resection of the mandible and tissue in the floor of the mouth from the right canine to the right third molar. The mandibular deject was reconstructed using a fibular osteocutaneous flap with a reconstruction plate for rigid fixation. The pathology report indicated a central giant cell granuloma. Three years after surgery, the patient came to our hospital for dental prosthetic reconstruction. The super-eruption of maxillary teeth from the right canine to the right second molar was noted due to loss of occlusion for a long period of time. Temporary prosthetic treatment indicated a mandibular removable partial denture with a permanent soft denture base (MOLLOPLAST-B, DETAX, Germany) for recovery of chewing ability in the daytime. The permanent prosthetic reconstruction will be considered after the patient has completely grown up.
