  • 期刊


Effects of Solvent Extracted Wood Blocks on the Growth of Lentinus edodes (Berk.) Sign



本研究係探討不同溶劑萃取後之木塊對香菇菌生長之影響及利用土壞-木塊培養法測定木材腐朽率之方法,進行香菇菌種及菇木樹種篩選之可行性。試驗結果如次: 一、香菇菌對楓香、直幹相思樹與相思樹木材之腐朽率,隨木材抽出成份之萃取而有明顯的提高;因此可見木材抽出成份有抑制香菇菌生長之作用。 二、相思樹心材經正已烷、二氯甲烷、丙酮、甲醇及熱水序列萃取後,結果顯示經正己烷及二氯甲烷萃取後之木塊,其腐朽率與對照組之間差異不顯著,惟再經丙酮、甲醇及熱水萃取後之木塊,其腐朽率則大幅提高。可見其抑菌成分主要為丙酮、甲醇及熱水可溶性之酚類化合物。 三、木材可抽出成份含量愈高之樹種,尤其丙酮及甲醇之抽出物含量愈高之樹種,其耐腐性愈強。 四、土壤-木塊培養法確實可為香菇菌種及菇木樹種篩選之方法,不但可節省人力、物力及時間,且較不受環境因子之干擾,值得推廣應用。


The study investigate the effects of solvent extracted wood blocks on the growth of Lentinus edodes and develop a Soil-block cultures technique for screening mushroom strains and tree log species for mushroom cultivation. The results are as follows: 1. The wood decay rates of Liquidambar formosana, Acacia man glum and A. cofusa are increased significantly by the removal of wood extractives indicating the possible fungal growth inhibitory effects of the extractives. 2. The decay rate of the heartwood blocks of Acacia Confusa after Sequential extractions by n-hexane, dichloromethane, acetone, methanol and hot water were examined. Results showed that no significant increase in decay rate were found after n-hexane and dichloromethane extraction, however, a vast increase in wood decay occurred when wood blocks were subsequently extracted with acetone, methanol and hot water indicating the possible candidate of phenolic compound as the inhibitory component. 3. Log species with higher content of wood extractives, especially, the high-acetone and high-methanol extractives, are more resistant to decay. 4. The Soil-block Cultures method is a feasible technique to screen mushroom strains and tree log species for mushroom cultivation as the method not only save labor, cost and time, but also is less susceptible to environmental variations.
