  • 期刊


Studies on the Fenton Treatment of Pulp Bleaching Effluents (Ⅰ)



本研究探討利用化學氧化劑處理紙漿氯氣漂白所產生的難處理廢水,以期改善現行處理法之效率。試驗利用Fenton反應,使過氧化氫與過渡金屬離子反應,產生氧化力極強的經自由基或過氧經自由基,迅速與漂白鹼萃段廢水(El)中之污染成分反應,分解或改變廢水中發色團之官能基,使廢水變為無色,處理前後廢水之色度係以色度及色差儀測定其白度、黃色指數及色差值。廢水之化學需氧量及可吸附有機鹵化物含量亦予測定。結果顯示在pH 3時,以過氧化氫:三價鐵離子濃度為25:l及每公升廢水添加l至5mmol過氧化氫及0.04至0.2mmol鐵離子可獲良好之處理效果。最佳的結果可使E1廢水之色差值由20.1降至1.8,黃色指數由35.4降至2.2,白度則由60升為97。廢水之化學需氧量則由4400ppm減為960ppm減少78%;水中之有機鹵化物由13.9ppm減至0.3ppm。工廠經氧漂的氯化後鹼萃廢水Eo處理法須將二價鐵與過氧化氫分段添加,所需劑量較高且處理效果稍差,惟有機鹵化物之去除效果仍佳。


The purpose of this study is to explore the use of oxidants for treating recalcitrant effluent of chlorine bleaching of pulp and to improve the method and efficiency of the effluent treatment. The study employs Fenton reagent which reacts hydrogen peroxide with transitional metal ions to form hydroxyl and perhydroxyl radicals. The strong oxidizing power of these free radicals then quickly react with chromophores in the effluent to decolorize the effluent. The coloration of the effluents before and after Fenton treatment was monitor with a color and color difference meter to establish the changes in whiteness, yellow indices and color difference, ΔE*, of the effluents. The COD and AOX content of the effluents were also analyzed. The results suggested that at effluent pH of 3 and a hydrogen peroxide: ferric ion ratio of 25:1, with dosages of 1 to 5 mmol hydrogen peroxide and 0.04 to 0.2 mmol ferric ions, adequate treatment effects were achieved. At the optimal, the treated El effluent had ΔE* value dropped from 20.1 to 1.8; its yellow index lowered from 35.4 to 2.2; and whiteness raised from 60 to 97. The COD of the effluent dropped from 4400 ppm to 960 ppm, a reduction of 78%; and the AOX content, meanwhile, lowered from 13.9 ppm to merely 0.3 ppm. An Eo sample collected from a pulp mill was more difficult to treat, it required separate addition of ferrous ions and hydrogen peroxide at a larger dosage and the treatment effects were less pronounced as the lab-made El effluent. Nevertheless, the reduction of AOX for the El effluent was still remarkable.


bleaching effluent Fenton reagent COD AOX decolorization
