當人們本身的知識不足以應付外界的狀況時,資訊需求便因此而生,Belkin稱其為知識異常狀態(ASK);為了彌平此差異狀態,人們乃設法透過各種資訊尋求行為以滿足資訊需求。Taylor提出資訊需求的四個層級:未知(Visceral Level)、察覺(Conscious Level)、陳述句(Formalized Level)及問題的提出(Compromised Level),為瞭解資訊需求的重要模式;Dervin則提出以S-G-H循環來描繪資訊尋求行為。本文根據這些研究成果來解讀圖書館讀者之資訊需求模式,並探討如何藉由讀者利用教育以提升讀者資訊尋求行為之效益。此外,藉由檢視國內北區大學圖書館之讀者利用教育實施情形,最後提出數點建議以作為大學圖書館推動讀者利用教育之參考。
Belkin named it as ASK (anonalous states of knowledge) which is someone owns inadequate knowledge to respond to the outside world, and the information need comes from this situation. The information-seeking behavior is born to make up the state of difference. Taylor suggested four levels of information need in view of information need model: Visceral level, Conscious level, formalized level and Compromised level. Dervin also described the circulation of S-G-H. The key point of this text is to discuss how to promote the efficiency of library user's information-seeking behavior by means of user education.