  • 期刊


Relationship between Personality Traits and Nominated Leadership Position of Middle School Students


本研究主要的目的在探討國中三年級學生人格特質與其班級領導地位之關係。進行程序包括:男生高低領導組人格特質之比較,女生高低領導組人格特質之比較,高領導組男女生人格特質之比較,男女生高低領導組人格特質與領導分數之相關。 本研究樣本取自六所國中三年級男生151人,女生198人,以國內修訂之高登人格測驗甲、乙、丙區及筆者自編之領導能力調查問卷爲工具,分別測量受試者之人格特質及班級領導能力。結果發現: (1)就男生言,高領導組在支配性與謹慎性兩方面高於低領導組。 (2)就女生言,高領導組在責任性、穩定性、仁慈性等方面高於低領導組;但在認識性及領導性方面,則恰好相反。 (3)高領導組之男生在支配性與領導性方面高於高領導組之女生;但就全體受試者言,男女生僅創發性、人際性、仁慈性、領導性四項達到統計上之差異。 (4)四組中,由領導分數與人格特質相關達到顯著水準的有:支配性、謹慎性、求援性、仁慈性等項。




The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between personality traits and nominated leadership position of middle school students. The sample consisted of 349 ninth graders from six middle schools. Revised Gordon Personal Profile, Gordon Personal Inventory, Survey Interpersonal Value and a sociometric measure of leadership were administered to all of them. Both boys and girls were classified into three groups, according to their sociometric scores: The top 27% as the high leadership group (H-L), the middle group (46%), and the lower 27% as the low leadership group (L-L). It was found that: (1) Among the bays, the H-L group got significantly higher scores in ascendancy and cautiousness than the L-L group. (2) Among the girls, the H-L group received significantly higher scores in responsibility, emotional stability and benevolence, but lower scores in the expressed leadership and recognition than the L-L group. (3) H-L boys showed a stronger tendancy in ascendancy, recognition and leadership than H-L girls. However, among the entire group of subjects, boys obtained higher scores in original thinking and expressed leadership than girls, but lower scores in personal relation and benevolence. (4) Sociometric leadership scores were significantly correlated with the scores in ascendancy, support, cautiousness, recognition and benevolence.


