  • 期刊


On Teachers' Background, Internal-external Locus of Control, and Interpersonal Competencies for Career


本研究目的在探究現階段教師的生涯人際能力現況,以及和聚合式社會資本、和橋接式社會資本有關兩大向度生涯人際能力對於生涯成功指標之影響,同時分析背景變項和內外控特質等個別差異因素。研究對象:122 位國小教師;研究工具:內外控量表、生涯人際能力量表、生涯成功量表;研究分析方法:採用Mplus 6 進行結構方程模式分析。研究結果發現所得資料和假設模式之間的適配度高,其中和聚合式社會資本有關的生涯人際能力有助於教師生涯成功,而和橋接式社會資本有關者的影響並不顯著。有無子女、是否擔任行政主管等背景變項及內控特質的解釋力較高:有子女、內控顯著地正向影響和鞏固聚合式社會資本能力有關的生涯人際能力,同時正向影響生涯成功,外控的影響則反之;雖然是否擔任行政主管影響教師評估自身和橋接式社會資本有關的生涯人際能力,但卻未帶來生涯成功感受。根據這些結果,本研究提出賡續研究及教師生涯管理和友善校園經營之建議。


The study examined 122 primary school teachers' career success, and its relations with background variables, internal-external locus of control, and interpersonal competencies for career (bonding and bridging social capital). Methodologically, structural equation modeling by Mplus was carried out to assess the fit of the hypothesized model. The results showed that the model fit the data well after a slight modification. Three major conclusions were drawn. Firstly, teachers' perceived career success was positively related to their interpersonal competencies for bonding social capital for career. Secondly, having a child (children) and internal locus of control positively contributed to teachers' interpersonal competencies for bonding social capital for career, while the competencies were negatively related with the external locus of control. Teachers' career success was positively related to interpersonal competencies for bonding social capital for career. Thirdly, teachers' interpersonal competencies for bridging social capital for career was positively related to the status of having a child (children) and having a managerial position, as well as to the internal locus of control. However, teachers' career success was not significantly related to their interpersonal competencies for bridging social capital. Implications for contemporary teachers' career development, career management and quality of work life were addressed.


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