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台灣營養調查 NAHSIT I 1993~1996之飲食多樣性與其對營養充足程度的影響

Dietary Variety and Its Effect on Nutrient Adequacy of the Taiwanese Diet in the Nutritional Survey of Nahsit I 1993~1996


「飲食多樣性」(dietary variety)是健康飲食的評鑑項目之一,本研究之目的是建立國人飲食適用之食物「種」類與計「種」之食量標準,以評估國人飲食多樣性程度,並探討多樣性與營養素攝取充足程度的關聯。採用衛生署「82~85年國民營養健康狀況變遷調查」中19~64歲獨立樣本之24小時飲食回憶資料,計有男性1963人及女性1952人。食物分為十大類,各類再分為2~50種食物不等。計「種」標準,蔬菜類採用每份建議食量的1/5,其他食物類均採半份食量。結果可見國人一日攝取食物種數平均7.2種,攝取種數最多的是肉類和蔬採類,平均皆有2.2種,最少是奶類,次少是水果類;多樣性得分平均7.1分,低於美國之主因為奶類和水果類不足。趨勢分析顯示,多樣性分數增多,攝取量以熱量營養素、Na等四項礦物質與A等六項維生素,及膽固醇均顯著升高,營養密度以鈣、磷、鐵、維生素E、B2、菸鹼素、C、脂肪、蛋白質、膽固醇等亦顯著升高,但是醣類卻顯著減少,表示飲食多樣性可提升維生素與礦物質量,但國人有取動物性食品而捨植物性食物之現象。鈉以外之礦物質與維生素充足程度隨食物種數增加而升高,而且飲食多樣性與六大類食物之間有互補的趨勢,因此飲食指南六大類食物為達到營養充足的充分條件,是宣導飲食多樣化之方便策略,未來宜增加植物性食品的分類,以更符合健康飲食之特性。


Diet variety is one of the measuring items of healthy eating index. The objectives of the present study was to 1) Establish principles for grouping different food types and intake criteria, 2) apply these principles in calculating variety scores of the Taiwanese diet, and 3) investigate the relationship between diet variety and nutrient adequacy. Twenty-four hr dietary recall data for 1963 men and 1952 women were taken from the Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT I). Food items were grouped into 10 categories, and each category subdivided into 2 to 50 different types of foods. Intake criteria for vegetable group was set at one fifth of a serving, while one half serving was needed for all other food groups according to the daily food guides. The average variety score was 7.1, correlating to 7.2 food types.- The highest amounts of food type occurred in meat and vegetable groups, while the lowest two were dairy and fruit groups. Intakes of all examined nutrients increased significantly with diet variety, and nutrient density of fat, protein, cholesterol, Ca, P, Fe, and vitamins E,B2, niacin and C also increased, while that of carbohydrate decreased significantly with variety, implying a preference for animal foods. Nutrient adequacy ratio also increased with diet variety, and there existed some compensatory effect between diet variety and six major food groups. Therefore, the food groups based on the daily food guides are convenient tools for promoting diet variety. However, variety from plant foods should be emphasized.


