  • 學位論文


Factors Associated with Dietary Behaviors of the Community Elderly In Maioli County

指導教授 : 徐慧娟


本研究之主要目的在瞭解社區老人的飲食行為及現況,並探討影響社區老人飲食行為的因素,藉以提出建議供未來營養計畫及政策之參考。 研究者以國科會補助之「台灣老人之成功老化」計畫所收集共584位65歲以上苗栗縣社區老人之資料進行分析。分析方法採邏輯式迴歸模式對社區老人飲食行為與人口社會經濟的基本特質、健康狀況等自變項進行分析,以暸解社區老人飲食行為及其影響之相關因素。 研究結果顯示: (一) 婚姻狀況、族群、宗教信仰、居住情形皆與社區老人的飲食行為有相關。 (二)性別、教育程度、族群因素皆會影響社區老人攝取六大類食物情形;教育程度及族群因素亦會影響健康食品及補品之攝取。 (三)社區老人的健康狀況與飲食行為有相關,但與六大類食物及健康食品或補品之攝取則無相關。 (四)邏輯式迴歸分析中,指出閩南族群、獨居者、自覺健康不好者、有ADLs障礙者較有飲食行為上的問題發生。 (五)經邏輯式迴歸分析六大類食物攝取情形後,發現男性、年齡較長者、不識字者較未每日攝取六大類食物,其中在攝取奶類的表現上,女性、較年長者及較高教育者,攝取奶類的勝算比較高。 (六)社區老人攝取健康食品及補品情形經邏輯式迴歸分析後,發現女性、教育程度較高者、客家族群皆有攝取健康食品及補品較高的勝算比。 建議未來在飲食行為探討時,可針對老人飲食問題做追蹤分析,將可做更正確的比較及推論以釐清其因果關係。本研究發現不同族群有不同飲食行為表現,並建議未來研究可針對男女不同性別及各族群文化進行研究,以發覺問題。並建議相關單位在實施營養計畫時,針對老年人的學習需求及特性,研擬有效的營養教育計畫,教導老年人正確的飲食觀念,以增進老人營養狀況。


This research mainly focuses on investigating the dietary behaviors and current situations of the community elders. For the purpose of providing suggestions to future nutrition plans and policies, this research will also discuss the factors associated with those dietary behaviors. This research analyzes the data of 584 elders in the communities of Miaoli County with ages of 65 or higher collected by the project “Successful Aging of the Elder in Taiwan” sponsored by the National Science Council. Using the logic regression model as the approach to analyze among dietary behaviors and some independent variables like the fundamental economic properties of the populace society and the health conditions, to probe into the dietary behaviors and the associated factors. The result of the research reveals that: 1.Marriage status, racial groups, religious, inhabitancy are all related to dietary behaviors of community elders. 2.Sexuality, education, racial groups all affect how community elders assimilate the six main food categories. 3.The health condition of community elders is related to dietary behavior, but is irrelevant to the assimilating of six main food categories, health food, or tonics. 4.In the logic regression analysis, racial group from the southern part of Fukien Province, those who live alone, those who are aware of not being healthy, and those who have ADLs disability are having more problems in dietary behaviors. 5.After applying logic regression analysis on the situation of assimilating six main food categories, we found that those who are male, aged, and illiterate, are prone to not assimilate all six main food categories each day. And in the assimilating of milk, those who are female, aged, and well educated, are prone to assimilate more milk. 6.After applying logic regression analysis on the situation of assimilating health food and tonics of the community elders, we found that those who are female, well educated, and the Hakka groups are prone to assimilate more health food and tonics. This research suggests that it is doable to conduct tracing analysis on the dietary behaviors of the elders in the future, and it will help making more accurate comparison and inference to clarify the causal relationship. This research has found that there are difference dietary behaviors between different racial groups, and also suggests that it is achievable to inspect according to sexuality, and the cultures of different racial groups to find out related issues. And it suggests when related organizations are implementing nutrition plans, they can set up efficient nutritional education plan according to the learning requirements and properties of the elders to teach them the notion of correct dietary, and improve their nutrition status.


江東亮、余玉眉(1994) 。健康促進:國民健康新方向。中華衛誌,13 (5) ,381-387。


