  • 期刊


The "National History" in Ch'ien Mu's Historical Thinking


本文主旨在於分析錢賓四史學中的「國史」觀。全文共分五節,第一節說明全文目標及結構,第二節探討這種「國史」觀的內涵及其歷史背景:第三節進一步析論錢賓四「國史」觀中的史學方法論及其所刻畫的中國歷史的特殊性,並與同時代學者徐復觀(1902~1982)互作比較;本文第四節討論錢賓四史學在二十世紀中國史學史上的意義,並取之而與同時代的傳斯年(孟真,1896~1950)對比。第五節則綜合全文論點,提出結論性的看法。 本文認為,錢穆畢生以「國史」作「民族之史詩」,使全體中國人從共享民族之歷史記憶中奮起,為國族之未來而奮鬥。錢賓四的「國史」觀,既為民族主義所滲透,更以民族主義為其基礎。錢穆特別強調研讀「國史」者「對本國歷史的溫情與敬意」,所以,這種「國史」觀實以「主客交融」為其方法論特徵,其歷史寫作特別突顯中國歷史經驗之特殊性,在與西方歷史對照之下,區隔「我族」與「他族」之界線,強化「我族」之文化認同。 從中國史學史立場言,錢賓四史學可視為中國傳統史學矩矱在二十世紀中國之延續與發皇,既與以傳斯年為代表的「史料學派」互異,也與馬克思派的「史觀學派」不同,在當代國史學史中別樹一幟,反對以中國史之「殊相」作為世界史「共相」之註腳,從而挺立中國史之自主性,為二十世紀苦難的中國人指引未來努力的方向。


Twentieth-century China witnessed not only the constant invasions of Western powers and internecine warfares, but also the shaking of self-confidence among the Chinese people. Ch'ien Mu (錢穆1895~1990) stands out as a pivotal historian to console the frustrated souls of the Chinese in twentieth century through his historical works. This paper attempts at a study of the theory and practice of the ”national history” (kuo-shih, 國史) in Ch'ien's historical scholarship. Ch'ien Mu had been torn between the ”universal” and the ”particular” in historical thinking. He insisted through his writings that Chinese history had her own particularity which should not be regarded as Asian footnotes to the Western patterns or theories. Moreover, Ch'ien Mu, in treating history as ”national epic” as opposed to ”scientific history,” urged the Chinese people to re-establish their own identity in Chinese history as collective memory. The present paper consists of five sections. After reviewing the content and its historical background pertaining to Ch'ien Mu's notion of ”national history” (section Ⅱ), we in section Ⅲ analyze the methodological issues in Ch'ien's ”national history” and compare the difference between Ch'ien Mu and Hsü Fu-kuan (徐復觀,1902~1982). Section Ⅳ discusses the significance of Ch'ien Mu in the context of twentieth-century Chinese historiography. Special attention is paid to the contrast between Ch'ien Mu and Fu Ssu-nien (傅斯年,1896~1950). The final section V considers the significance of Ch'ien Mu's historiography in twentieth-century Chinese and world historiography.


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