  • 期刊


China's Policies Towards Overseas Chinese in Retrospect and Its Future Trends


自一九四九年以來,中共的海外僑務政策歷經幾個階段,即使觀念上並無明顯錯誤,但在執行過程中發生許多偏差。基本上,中共的僑務政策只是其整體國家發展政策中的一環,受到內政與外交的影響,內政的疏失與偏差,如五○年代的三面紅旗和六、七○年代中的文化大革命都是對中共的僑務政策造成嚴重傷害,直到八○年代中期中共還在為此付出代價。 隨著改革開放政策的實施、中共綜合國方逐漸提升,過去僑務工作中的冤、錯、假案逐漸獲得平反,九○年代以後,中共的僑務政策開始轉趨積極,其中主要重點在於引進僑資、人才為中共的現代化服務,但近年來中共更將矛頭轉為與台灣進行海外僑務鬥爭,在全球各地推動「反獨促統」統一戰線,在可預見的將來,如果台灣新政府不採取積極應對措施,部分原本親台僑團、僑社華僑恐將轉趨中立甚至傾向中共,值得政府有關當局留意。


華僑 僑務政策 平反 台僑 僑務鬥爭 統一戰線


Ever since 1949, China's policies towards overseas Chinese have undergone many different changes. Although the basic concepts are not totally wrong the implementation of these policies has witnessed many too mistakes. In principle, China's overseas Chinese policies are just part of its policy for national development and has thus always been affected by internal and external factors. The Three Red Flags (The Great Leap Forward Movement) in the 1950s and the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s caused tremendous damage to China's appeals to overseas Chinese. Even at the end of the 1980s, China was still paying the price for mistakes done in the past. However, since the implementation of the open door policy and the redress of mistakes of the past, we have witnessed the growing of China's strength and its interest in the overseas Chinese, both for political and economic reasons. China wants to lure talented overseas Chinese (especially those with economic power) for its modernization program. In addition, Beijing has become more active in forming a united front with overseas Chinese to fight the trend of Taiwan's independence. In the foreseeable future more and more overseas Chinese and associations might turn to Beijing's appeals. If Taiwan does not want to lose the support of overseas Chinese, it should find a way to deal with this tread.


Fung, Edmund S. K., Chen, Jie(1996).Changing Perceptions: The Attitudes of the PRC Chinese Towards Australia and China, 1989-1996.
Wang, Gungwu(1998).The Last Half Century of Chinese Overseas.Hong Kong:Hong Kong University Press.
任貴祥 、 趙紅英(1999)。華僑、華人與國共關係。武漢:武漢出版社。


