  • 期刊


Shaping Cyber Sovereignty and Contesting Internet Governance: China's Strategic Narratives in Cyber Norms




This paper aims to investigate the diplomatic negotiation in the shaping of emerging cyber norms by the international community. In particular, the emphasis has been placed on understanding China's strategic narratives of cyber sovereignty at the United Nations. The existing research related to the study of international norms and China focuses on either the constraining effects in international norms' utility on China's activities or how to encompass China into the existing international social order. Nevertheless, neither of these approaches would be appropriate for the study of cyberspace, as cyberspace is a latecomer in the discussion of international norms. There are also no recognized rules or consensus to begin with. Hence, this article takes a distinct, yet different approach from the past research agenda, which often emphasizes socializing China into the existing international order. Namely, this paper intends to implement the Strategic Narrative from International Relations to unpack the exercise of language in the current Chinese making of cyber norms. This paper argues that China's successful leverage of discursive practice creates a compelling Chinese story, which helps to enhance its international influence in this critical issue-area without firing a single bullet. China was able to create a global environment in her favor by discursively shaping the domestic and international values on cyberspace and steering direction of cyber norms. This strategic condition allows China to pursue an alternative agenda of cyberspace governance centered around the conventional idea of state sovereignty, even when Western countries continue to express their disapproval.


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