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The Study of the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) on Normal Taiwanese Subjects


職能治療的一個重要目標是促進病患功能的恢復,使患者能成功地回歸社會,獨立生活。適當地評估病患的功能程度乃是治療過程中極爲重要的步驟。發展或使用良好、具有信度及效度的功能評量工具方能提供治療者正確的臨床資訊以協助治療計劃之擬訂。 本文的目的乃是探討一個日常生活功能測驗的效度,也就是量表項目和活動的合適(fit validity)效度以及分辨力。由於本工具(The Assessment of Motor and Process Skill, AMPS)過去僅施用於在美之台灣留學生,因此本研究欲探討居住於本國正常個案使用AMPS的效度。本研究結果可供職能治療師作爲選擇評估工具時的依據和參考。 本研究共收集47個居住於社區的正常個案:其中25位為60歲以上的年長者,22位為30到59歲的成人對照組。所有個案需要自AMPS手冊中選擇至少二個日常生活活動來執行,評分者根據觀察結果再據以評分。所得分數再以羅序分析模式(Rasch measurement model)提供的區間分數來檢測本量表的個案、項目及活動效度,之後以T-test以探討AMPS是否可以區辨年長組與成人組之功能差異。 分析結果顯示AMPS施測於本土個案中除了少許項目與活動外,具有項目、活動及個案之合適效度。同時也發現年長者其動作與認知處理能力較成年組低且具統計上顯著的意義。綜合言之,AMPS此實作功能測驗中大部分的項目與活動可使用於本土正常個案中,未來值得繼續收集本土病患資料以探討AMPS的適用性。


The goal of occupational therapy is to assist the clients to regain and maintain their functions so that they can re-integrate into the community as an independent member. Therefore, accurate evaluation of clients' functions at admission, during treatment, and before discharge is very important. The Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) has many innovative advantages and has been applied to various diagnostic groups around the world (e.g., Cuban American, Hispanic, Swedish, and Taiwanese). The purpose of this study is to investigate the fit validity of the AMPS on a group of Taiwanese subjects. Forty-seven normal subjects participated in the study. Twenty-five of them were above age 60, and 22 of them were at the age between 30 to 59 Rasch analysis as well as T-test were used to investigate if the items and tasks of the AMPS fit Rasch model. Furthermore, the difference of AMPS motor and process skills between older adults and younger adults was examined. The results of the study confirmed that the most of the AMPS items and activities can be applied to normal Taiwanese subjects. There are some items and tasks misfitting in the analysis, thus, further study with more observations on each task is warranted.
