  • 期刊

Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Interaction Between Exogenous and Endogenous Orienting of Visual Attention



本論文的目的在探討注意導向的內部導引線索和外部導引線索之交互作用的競爭機制。位置線索提示作業的實驗典範證實注意導向的驅動方式可區分為兩種:內控式和外控式導向。內控式注意導向意指注意的選擇性是決定於觀察者的內部信念與作業目標。相對地,外控式注意導向意指注意的選擇性是決定於外部刺激的特性,是一種自動化的反應。 過去的文獻對這兩類注意導向歷程的交互作用的結論是,當內控式注意導向的線索先出現,後到的外控式刺激可能會或不會對內控式注意導向產生干擾,決定的因素在於內控式注意導向的空間線索的準確度。在本研究中,作業目標的空間線索的提示符號用來引發內控式注意歷程;突然乍現的閃光剌激則用來引發外控式注意歷程。實驗操弄目標提示符號和閃光出現的時間差距,以及兩種注意導向位置的距離。在實驗中測量受試者的EOG,以監控其眼球的運動。當空間提示符號出現後,閃光在不同的位置緊跟著出現,實驗測量受試者對在不同位置出現的字母辨識的反應時間,並探討閃光剌激的出現對字母辨識反應的干擾程度。 實驗一發現,當目標位置提示符號和閃光出現的時間的差距長於200毫秒,距離提示符號導向位置最近的閃光產生最大的干擾效果。相反的,實驗二發現,當目標位置提示符號和閃光出現的時間的差距僅84毫秒,距離最遠的閃光則產生最大的干擾效果。實驗的結果支持一個新的結論:外控式剌激對內控式注意導向的干擾程度,是兩種注意導向的空間距離,以及干擾發生時間的交互作用的結果。


Past research suggested that an abruptonset distractor mayor may not override an endogenous cue, depending on spatial certainty of the endogenous cue. Yet the underlying competitive mechanisms are still not clear. In two experiments, the cue-to-distractor stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs) and spatial distance between cued and distractor locations were manipulated. Following a central cue, an abrupt flash occurred in any location that was never centrally cued. Using EOG electrodes to monitor eye movements, the reaction times to identification of the target were measured. For more than 200 ms cue-to-distractor SOA, the nearest distractor produced the largest interruption (Experiment 1). In contrast, for 84 ms cue-to-distractor SOA, the farthest distractor produced the largest interruption (Experiment 2). In conclusion, the extent to which an abrupt-onset distractor will override a central cue depends on interaction of the cue-to-distractor SOA and spatial distance between the cued location and the distractor.


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