  • 期刊


Terror of Conspiracy: The Interpretation of Communist Espionage News in the Early 1950s




According to the communications ritual view, journalism provides more than merely information, as it also represents cultural values. Based on this view and utilizing social drama to view communist espionage news as media rituals affecting social orders, this article analyzes communist espionage news that appeared in Central Daily and News Weekly in the early 1950s, looking at how and from what angles communist espionage was framed. From those news articles, this article finds that communist spies were not only regarded as traitors, but also judged through the lense of traditional ethical values and differentiated as enemies by a simplified binary method of good and evil. The government legitimatized the anti-communism advocacy and led the citizenry to be fearful of and alienated from communist spies. The ambience of horror and depression became unerasable collective memories and nightmares of the people of that era, thus hindering later generations from recognizing the historical truth and expecting the possibility of a different future.


〈十五位自首自新份子 書面答覆記者詢問〉(1952 年12 月16 日)。《中央日報》,二版。
〈大好青年供匪驅使 警部昨槍決二匪諜〉(1949 年6 月2 日)。《中央日報》,三版。
〈四匪諜昨伏法 十八名准感訓自新 當局有徹底肅清把握〉(1949 年12 月11日),《中央日報》,四版。
〈台灣省保安司令部 破獲共匪潛台組織〉(1950 年10 月1a 日)。《中央日報》,一版。
〈台灣省保安部發表重要匪諜地工組織破案經過〉(1950 年5 月3 日)。《中央日報》,一版。
