  • 期刊


Analysis of Diabetes Mellitus with Jing - Luo Equipment


目的:中藥用來治療糖尿病患的研究越來越多,但是使用中藥須了解病患的臟腑的虛實狀況,因此本研究利用經絡診斷儀幫助了解病患在經絡臟腑的虛實狀況,分析病患虛證實的比例,以及和血糖控制情形、罹患糖尿病時間長短、是否有高血壓、腦中風以及蛋白尿等併發症的關連。病人與方法:在門診收集174位第二型糖尿病患,其中男性72位,女性102位,平均年齡為 63.4 ± 8.8歲,收集病人的基本資料並接受經絡診斷儀檢查,主要包括4個項目:(1)平均身體能量:全身經絡能量的平均值,可以評估虛證或實證。(2)陰陽比值:評估臟腑之間的氣血與代謝的狀態。(3)上下比值:評估上、中、下三焦的狀態,包括精神活動。(4)右左比值:用於評估骨骼肌肉氣血狀態。結果:虛證或實證方面,糖尿病患有62.1%屬於虛證,31.0%正常,只有6.9%為實證,其中在性別方面,以女性較男性容易出現虛證,有顯著差異;此外,臨床上已出現蛋白尿的糖尿病患較易出現虛證。陰陽比值方面,有51.7%出現陰虛陽盛,尤其是有蛋白尿或高血壓的病患,有統計上差異。評估三焦狀態的上下比值方面,52.3%的糖尿病患為上虛下盛型,代表上焦臟腑經絡氣血空虛,尤其是有高血壓或出現蛋白尿病患,有統計學上意義;至於氣血狀態分析結果顯示,有54.0%是處於不平衡的狀態,其中高血壓或出現蛋白尿的病患,較易出現異常。結論:糖尿病患大多為虛證,主要是陰虛陽盛型,尤其是女性、高血壓或出現蛋白尿病患,其關連性值得未來做進一步觀察與長期追蹤研究。此外,併發高血壓或有蛋白尿者,容易出現上焦氣血空虛,和心臟病的關連,也是值得探討的課題。至於短期內血糖控制情形並不會對虛證或實證的產生有立即而明顯的影響;此外,是否有腦中風、病患的年齡、罹病時間長短亦不會影響虛證或實證的發生。


經絡診斷儀 臟腑 陰陽 糖尿病


Objectives: The parts and functions of the body, seen in Chinese Medicine as Zang-fu and their tracts of action (Jing-luo), usually show distinctive features. Jing-luo equipment is a newly-developed machine which is helpful in evalua-tion the status of Zang-fu of the human body through measuring the energy of Jing-luo. This study was performed to explore the status of Zang-fu in diabetic patients and associated factors. Patients and Method: One hundred seventy four patients with type 2 diabetes were recruited and their basic data was collected including duration of diabetes, presence of proteinuria, history of hypertension and stroke. The Jing-luo equipment test and a blood test were per-formed in the patients. The data of the Jing-luo equipment test included four items as follows: (1) The mean energy of Jing-luo: to evaluate the asthenia and sthenia of Zang-fu. (2) The yin-yang ratio (the concepts of yin and yang, opposite but complementary forces whose perfect balance within the body is essential for well-being in Chinese Medicine): Showing the metabolic status of Zang-fu. (3) The upper-lower ratio: to evaluate the San-chau status. (The human body is divided into three parts, called San-chau. San means three in mandarian.) (4) The right –left ratio: to evaluate the muscular-skeletal system and the status of qi-shie (an invisible life energy, flows along yin and yang meridians that run throughout the body). Results: Of the patients tested, 62.1% were categorized as having asthenia. The percentage of patients with sthenia was only 6.9%. Women had a significantly higher percentage of asthenia than males. 82.7% of the patients with proteinuria were vulnerable to asthenia. Using yin-yang ratios, 51.7% of patients had yin-asthenia and yang-over-powerful. Only 21 patients (12.1%) were yang-over-powerful and yin-asthenia. For the upper-lower ratio, 52.3% of the patients had lower mental activities expressed as upper-asthenia and lower-over-powerful. Most of the diabetic patients (54.0%) had an abnormal right-left ratio that meant some disequilibrium in their muscular-skeletal system and the status of qi-shie. Factors significantly related to the yin-yang ratio, upper-lower ratio and right-left ratio were proteinuria and hypertension. Duration of diabetes and blood sugar control were not significant in this study. Conclusions: Most of the diabetic patients were categorized as having asthenia, mainly with the status of yin-asthenia and yan-over-powerful. Factors related to the asthenia status were female gender, history of hypertension and pres-ence of proteinuria. Short-term blood sugar control, patients’ age duration of diabetes were not associated with asthenia status.


Jing-lou equipment Zang-fu yin-yang diabetes


