  • 期刊


Diversity analysis on the Current Level of Building Facilities about Primary Schools in Taipei City



目前各公立學校建築之間,呈現出極大的差異化與複雜化,相對地,現有學校建築規劃基準所依據的分類向度卻過於簡化。本研究提出代表學校建築之十項重要現況水準指標,透過分析各指標間的關係、代表趨勢,以及對應的重要數值,將可作為後續「國民小學校園校舍建築規模推估模式之建立與應用」研究之基礎。同時,以台北市各行政區別的現況水準比較,除了顯示現況的差異外,更提供教育行政單位後續於資源分派與實際訂定政策指標之依據。 本研究重要之結論,由差異分析結果提示了後續校舍規模規劃基準,必須考量規模較小學校的要求,訂定一適宜的空間規模量値。針對各行政區之比較分析結果,顯示市郊區的學校平均屋齡較新、建蔽率較低,以及學生人數偏低的現象;新市區容積率偏高,以及舊市區面臨學生人數的減少,以及平均屋齡較老的現象。最後,相關分析結果則提出以「學校總班級數」推估「每生享有樓地板面積」的概念,作為後續校舍規模推估模式的基礎。


The classifying dimensions for planning standard of school building is too simplified if comparing with the diversity and complexity existing in public schools. In this study, ten current standard criteria that represent school building are introduced. We survey these criteria and report the relationship, implication trend, and reference number between indexes. That may be the foundation to establish and apply the estimation model of building space size about public primary school. Furthermore, the comparative analysis for Taipei city administrative divisions in this study not only shows condition differentiation, but also provides the decision guideline for educational resources allocation and maintenance. The conclusion of diversity analysis suggests that the small-scale school should be considered in making school building space size standard. In comparative analysis for Taipei city administrative divisions, it shows that schools in suburb area have newer buildings and lower percentage of building area, and fewer students. Schools in new urban district have higher percentage of floor space, and schools in old urban district have older buildings. And the conclusion of relative analysis brings up the foundation of advanced estimation model that is the concept of using ”the total number of classes” to correspond to ”the size of total floor area per student.”


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