  • 期刊


A Reasonable and Safe Withdrawn Distance of Buildings from Hillside



山坡地之邊坡,因為受到地球造山運動及設計、施工時段各種無法完全避免之不利因素影響,故所做邊坡擋土安全設施皆無法保證可以永久安全使用,例如林肯大郡之邊坡災害,就奪去了許多寶貴生命及龐大財產損失,故主管機關對於坡地開發建築或建築物配置規定應退縮邊坡之合理距離是對維護生命、財產最好的安全保證。 我國建築技術規則建築設計施工編第262條第一項第二款第二目是規定開發建築應退縮邊坡之距離,第264-1條是規定建築物配置應退縮邊坡之距離,因第262條第一項第二款第二目所規定之開發建築範圍之退縮邊坡距離應該是比第264-1條規定建築物配置應退縮之距離較為略小才合理,但此二公式在同一形態邊坡之數據計算下,所得之距離卻有恰為相反之矛盾,有關建築物退縮邊坡安全合理距離之計算,目前在基礎工程範疇內尚無此項學理說明,故本研究擬對建築物退縮邊坡安全距離之國內外規定及公式,探討其理論假設,評析其合理性並做實例驗證,找出其合理或不合理之處,最後本研究利用圖型模擬提出理論假設,輔以災害實例數據驗證後,再提出建築技術規則建築設計施工編第262條第一項第二款第二目公式之修改建議及第264條之修正公式,俾使法令規定之公式可避免相互矛盾並符合安全又合理之原則。


Hillside slopes stability is influenced by several factors like the earth orogeny, insufficient consideration in design stage, and construction flaws. Many retaining device can not ensure a long-term safety. Take the case of the Great Lincoln Country slope disaster for example. Many deaths and huge amount of property damage resulted from the factors mentioned above. This is why the government keeps ordaining a safe and reasonable distance from slope for building sites and building arrangement. In fact, a reasonable and safe withdrawn distance from the hillside is the best security to protect people's life and property. The Building Design and Construction Part of Taiwan Building Technical Code No.262-1-2-2 regulates the building withdrawn distance away from slopes while No.264-1 rules suitable building arrangement. Theoretically speaking, it is reasonable when the distance ruled by No.262-1-2-2 is shorter than that ruled by the No.264-1. Nevertheless, the two formulas calculated with similar slope data obtain a mutually-conflicting result. In terms of the calculation formulas on the reasonable and safe distance for buildings withdraw from slope, no theory or satisfying explanation exists in the field of Foundation Engineering. This research undergoes a series of careful process. First, the researcher discusses the assumption shown in domestic and international regulations and relevant essays on buildings withdrawn from slope. Next, the researcher further evaluates this theoretical assumption by making example check to examine its reasonableness. Last, this research proposes a theoretical hypothesis by using graphic models. With the help of data obtained from damage cases, the author offers suggestions for No.262-1-2-2 and a corrected formula for No.264 in building technical code. The ultimate purpose of this paper is to suggest possible solutions for avoiding conflicts among calculation formulas in current regulations.




