  • 期刊


Decision-Making Supporting System of Life-Cycle Maintenance Strategies for Deteriorating Reinforced Concrete Buildings




Appropriate repair or retrofit for maintaining the required performance or extending the specified service period for a building is essential in "Sustainable Development" or "Sustainable Construction". Therefore there is a need for a decision-making supporting system that can help engineers to comprehend the benefit of maintenance strategies. Based on past research, this study uses the "Truss and Arch" model theory to evaluate the shear capacity of chloride-induced corrosion RC columns in the assessment of the seismic performance of a deteriorating RC building. Moreover, using particle swarm optimization (PSO) of the multi-objectives (including economical, usability, safety, rationality and maintenance times), appropriate maintenance strategies are suggested. The proposed system consists of four main modules, as follows: 1. Deterioration evaluation; mechanical analysis of deteriorating RC beams and columns. 2. Seismic performance assessment; assessment of the seismic performance of a deteriorating RC building. 3. Setting of maintenance strategies; determining maintenance strategies of a deteriorating RC building 4. Multi-objectives optimization; appropriate maintenance strategies can be suggested using PSO. Finally, a case study is conducted to discuss the application of the proposed system.


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Chiu, C. K.,Noguchi, T.,Kanematsu, M.(2010).Effects of maintenance strategies on the life-cycle performance and cost of a deteriorating RC building with high-seismic hazard.Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology.8(2),157-170.
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