  • 期刊


Studies on the Production Improvement of Plants Used for Health Purpose and Processing Techniques of Rhinacanthus Nasutus (L.) Kurz.




白鶴靈芝 枸杞 麥門冬 生產 加工


Three species, Rhinacanthus nasutus (L.) Kurz., Lyciuni chinense Miller, and Liriope spp.. were compared for their agronomic characteristics, yield, and quality differences to find out the possibility whether they could be used as a suitable material for health drink. Experimental results indicated that for the production of R. nasutus, the treatment effect of nitrogen quantity of 120kg/ha and plant spacing of 30×30 cm were superior to others. After 18 months of cultivation, the stem and branches yield of R. nasutus under 120 N kg/ha treatment was 1.38 and 1.21 times higher than the treatments of 180 N kg/ha and 60 N kg/ha, for root yield was 1.74 and 1.52 times higher, respectively. Mean yields of leaf, stem and branches, and root under 30×30 cm treatment were 14.9, 90.1 and 59.1 t/ha, respectively. All were significantly higher than the yields under 50×30 cm and 50×50 cm treatments. For the production of L. chinense, its yields from treatments of 180 N kg/ha and 30×30 cm were higher than other treatments. For example, the root yield of L. chienese after 18 months cultivation under 180 N kg/ha treatment was 8.9 t/ha, which was 1.1 and 1.25 times higher than those of 60 N kg/ha and 120 N kg/ha, respectively. The mean yields of leaf, stem and branches under 30×30 cm treatment except the yield of root were also significantly higher then those of 50×30 cm and 50×50 cm treatments. Comparing the results between fall and spring planting of R. nasutus and L. chinense, 30 ×30 cm treatment showed the highest yield of the whole plant and different plant parts of both species. The suitable nitrogen quantities for R. nasutus in fall and spring planting were 120 N kg/ha and 180 N kg/ha, respectively, and for L. chinense were 180 N kg/ha and 120 N kg/ha, respectively. Among five lines of Liriope spp., 57-M4 might be the most promising line which had a significantly higher yield than other lines. But with a yield of 7.99 t/ha after 18 months of cultivation, 57-M4 was less competitive in contrast with R. nasutus and L. chinense, the former had a yield of 164.1 t/ha and the latter gave 67 t/ha. The contents of mineral elements of the above three species were also compared. R. nasutus had a higher contents of P, K, Ca, Fe and Mg than the others, but L. chinense showed slightly higher amounts of Mn, Cu and Zn contents then R. nasutus. After comparing the production ability and element contents among these three species, R. nasutus could be strongly recommended as the best material to be used for health drink. A product of Pai-Ho drink is therefore successfully produced by TARI and A.G.V. Products Corporation.


