  • 期刊


Route Planning for Container Liner


定期航運為海運市場中主要之經營型態,其中又以貨櫃船隊之運送為主。定期貨櫃航商在開闢新航線或調整既有航線時,除評估全球與區域經貿之發展趨勢外,最重要的是掌握各經濟區域間貨櫃需求之方向性,以做為航線設計之主要參考依據。本研究旨在探討定期貨櫃航線設計之內容與航商之規劃流程,並就各港口間之櫃位最低需求已知的情形,構建航線設計之數學規劃模式。其中除考量航線排程(routing)、服務船舶數量與航程週期外,亦藉由艙位配置(capacity allocation)概念將規劃港口間之載運需求納入考慮。該模式為一混合整數規劃(mixed integer programming)問題,經以遠洋航線實例求解所獲結果,可驗證模式於航線排程之適用性與櫃位分配之正確性。同時,本研究亦開發一演算流程以加快演算之時效,並提供使用者在相同成本下之多樣航線排程選擇。透過敏感度之分析,亦發現大多數之櫃位需求變化,並不致影響目標值之改變,且航線排程傾向僅灣靠各港一次,以追求成本最小化。


Container liner plays a main shipping role in marine transportation markets. When a new route is planning to be opened or an existing one is considered to be adjusted in carrier, the most important preparation is to forecast the demands between each candidate trade for route planning, except to assess the future development of global economy. In this research we explore the procedure and contents of practical route planning. A mixed integer programming model for making decision of the routing of visiting harbors, amounts of service vessel, period of round trip voyage, and capacity allocation between each origin-destination pair is suggested under the conditions when the least demands are given. We conclude that it can truly reflect an available route service conditions through a case test of ocean route. An algorithm is proposed for saving the CPU consumed time and providing multiple solutions for user's reference. Based on these, we also implement the sensitivity analysis focused on the changes of capacity demands in certain trades. All result in the same objective and the one calling in each port to minimize the total cost.


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