  • 期刊


Assessment Criteria Research about How to Choose Animation for Art Instructional Materials in Senior High Schools




In the contemporary multi-media techno-age, choosing animation as art curriculum materials is a rational approach for cultivating students' creative thinking. However, the standards applied by teachers for choosing their materials will affect students' learning. This essay will explore the criteria for assessing the quality of animation art material for the purpose of cultivating students' creative thinking.For senior high schools, this essay suggests a series of rubrics in a frame of media expression, aesthetic form, and humanities meaning, to give art teachers concrete orientation about judging the quality of art animation when they consider it for art material. At the same time, the elements of creative thinking and art creation are probed by the theories of postmodernism and art education. Moreover, we also assess the art material by the approach of narrative interpretation following these rubrics in the frame of the above three areas.


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