  • 期刊


Aging and Living Arrangement: A Panel Study of Young-Old to Oldest-Old




Most previous research on elderly living arrangements examined all people aged 65 and over as a whole. Some cross-sectional studies on aging employed different samples, as did some longitudinal studies. This study examines the living arrangements of young-old, old-old, and oldest-old in Taiwan using a longitudinal data source, produced by the Department of Health (Taiwan) and the University of Michigan. A panel study was used to answer the following questions: Is the proportion of coresidence with increased age U-shaped or decreased linearly? What influence does aging have on living arrangements? Analytical results show that the proportion of coresidence decreased linearly among the same samples for the young-old, old-old, and oldest-old. Empirical results show that some factors were significant at some stages, while not significant at other stages, that is, they were affected by aging. Additionally, some factors related to living arrangements for all three age groups, and their effects differed with increased age. All of them are good indicators in predicting the determinants of elderly living arrangements for the three groups.


Aging Living arrangement Young-old Oldest-old Panel study


李宗派(2010),現代老人問題與公共政策之探討,「臺灣老人保健學刊」,第 6 卷, 第 2 期,第 95-135 頁。
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